All posts by Giulio

A benchmark in North America

Innovative sustainable home near St. Louis certified as industry’s first Active House

An innovative sustainable building project near St. Louis, Missouri, has been certified as the first Active House in North America.

Not to be confused with a Passive House designation, an Active House is one that incorporates a comprehensive, exceptionally-green design both inside and out.

Designed by Jeff Day Architect, and built by Hibbs Homes & Verdatek Solutions, the Smith house in Webster Groves, Missouri, is an industry-innovating sustainable home that is the first in North America to be certified to the Active House Alliance standards. The home is also certified for Energy STAR, ANSI ICC-700, Builder’s Challenge Home, EPA Indoor Air Quality, and EPA Water Sense metrics. 


A culmination of the leading green, sustainable, and environmentally-conscious building practices from around the world and in the U.S., Active House takes a unique and holistic approach to sustainable and environmentally conscious home construction and design.

Other homes have been built internationally under the Active House umbrella, utilizing Active House specifications, in countries such as Portugal, Austria, Norway, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, and Russia.


The Active House standard was created by window manufacturer, Velux, to provide an alternative vision of sustainable housing – one that includes more windows than a typical Passive House.
Active House uses state of art energy-efficient materials, design techniques and building practices that rely on renewable resources from design to construction and through the life of the home.
Energy efficiency in the Smith home is made possible by solar orientation, solar energy collectors, airtight building envelope, HVAC and water heating design, use of daylight, and natural ventilation.

Passive House versus Active House

Both Passive House and Active House models are sustainable and environmentally-friendly. The difference is that Passive House focuses on conserving energy through a combination of air-tight building materials, superinsulation, advanced window technology and designing the house to achieve maximum solar gain, resulting in ultra-low energy buildings that require little energy for space heating or cooling. Even the expected body heat of the building occupants is factored into the calculations.
Instead of focusing on environmentally-friendly ways to produce energy, passive houses cut the need for energy consumption in the first place—by as much as 90 per cent compared with the average home.
Active House takes an innovative approach to energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and interaction with the surrounding environment.

While most of the green building standards concern materials and building processes, Active House standards are the first to account for those, while primarily focusing on what happens when the homeowners take up residence.
The immediate goal is to provide the homeowner with a cost-effective and easy to operate and maintain living space, that creates healthier and more comfortable lives for their occupants without impacting the climate.
In short, Passive House has a singular focus on energy efficiency, while the Active House expands the focus to quality of life issues, such as indoor air quality, fresh air, and natural sunlight.



Wood Solutions – Innovations and Opportunities for the 21st Century

By Adam Robertson, M.A.Sc., EIT

When Gustave Eiffel, proposed building a skeletal steel structure for the Paris World Fair, he was ridiculed by professional engineers and most of high society in France. The tower was built for the 1889 Fair and instead of being torn down as initially suggested, became the most recognized and enduring cultural icon of France.

The 320 metre tall tower was the tallest structure in the world for more than 40 years and changed the world’s perception toward tall buildings.

If the first dozen years are any indication, wood is poised to undergo its renaissance in the 21st century. Increasingly, wood is being specified as the material of choice as advancements in wood science, design skills, and connection technology merge with the environmental aspirations of designers, governments, and occupants. Wood is no longer limited to houses and low-rise structures.

Major regulatory changes have occurred in North American and around the world to reflect the surge in awareness of the performance capabilities of wood. Over the past two decades, wood building technologies and design methods have advanced significantly in the areas of structural, fire safety, and energy performance. In 2009, mid-rise (up to six-storeys) wood-frame construction was approved in the British Columbia Building Code, with the Province of Quebec making similar amendments in April 2013.

In response to drivers such as cost savings and environmental benefits, building industry stakeholders are moving toward National Building Code (NBC) changes that would allow the construction of taller wood-frame buildings across Canada. The Joint Task Group on Combustible Construction has proposed to implement new mid-rise provisions for the 2015 National Building Code of Canada. This proposal includes the increase in allowable height from four- to six-storeys for both residential and business occupancies, along with increased levels of fire protection, such as sprinklers throughout the building.

The potential for wood in taller buildings does not stop at six-storeys. Several Canadian manufacturers are now producing massive timber engineered wood products such as cross laminated timber (CLT), laminated veneer lumber (LVL), and laminated strand lumber (LSL). With these products, it is now possible to design and construct even higher wood buildings. The world’s tallest residential wood building was recently completed in Melbourne, Australia, reaching a height of ten-storeys. There are other examples of seven-, eight-, and nine-storey wood structures in the U.K., Scandinavia, and Central Europe. Here in Canada, there are many examples of innovative, high-performance wood building designs and construction; including the Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability and the Earth Sciences Building, both at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, as well as the Fondaction building in Québec City.

While the increased structural performance capabilities of wood products may be new to many designers, the environmental performance of wood is well recognized and appreciated by many.

From an environmental perspective, wood products and building systems have several advantages, including operational energy savings, low embodied environmental impacts, and carbon storage. Compared to other structural materials, wood has exceptional thermal performance, due to its much higher heat resistance value. Wood insulates 10 times better than concrete and 400 times better than steel. The natural structure of the wood fibre, virtually identical to a drinking straw, allows wood building products to trap air within the cells, enhancing its thermal capabilities and helping save the use of operational energy over the course of the building’s lifetime.

A number of life cycle assessment (LCA) studies from around the world have demonstrated that bio-based building products and systems are less environmentally impactful throughout their life cycle (raw materials acquisition, manufacturing, transportation, use, and end-of-life) when compared to other building materials. In addition, substituting wood in place of other more fossil fuel-intensive materials reduces overall GHG emissions that would have otherwise been emitted during the production of these non bio-based materials. Wood building products, such as lumber, panels, and decking, continue to store the carbon which was initially absorbed as CO2 by the trees during their growing cycle. While a new tree is growing, this carbon is locked-up and kept out of the atmosphere, enabling wood products to act as carbon sinks over the course of their service life.

Materials Matter

LCA is now a well-developed science and has been incorporated in building design and rating tools around the world. While operational impacts of structures still dominate the design considerations, the embodied impacts of materials will become more significant as operational efficiencies increase.

As the importance of embodied impacts become more apparent, LCA is the foundation for development of Environmental Product Declarations or EPDs – a standardized method of quantifying the environmental impacts of a building material, manufactured product or system. Typically, the EPD for a product will include information covering extraction, manufacturing processes, energy and water use, toxicity, emissions to air, soil, water and solid waste. An EPD can be used by design teams to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of alternative building material choices.

In some European counties, EPDs are now legal requirements for products – and North America is not far behind.

Some of the first North American EPDs developed for use by the building sector were for wood. The Western Red Cedar Lumber Association commissioned EPDs for some of their products. Several other wood product EPDs are scheduled to be released by the end of 2013. Designers will then be able to evaluate which materials have the lowest impact and are thus best suited for a particular function.

Regulatory changes

New codes affecting building height are not the only changes. Energy performance levels are increasingly becoming enshrined as well. This too provides greater opportunities for effective use of wood. Thicker walls can provide greater cavity space for insulation. New pre-fabrication methods increase structural accuracy and can significantly improve air tightness, thereby reducing both heat loss and moisture issues. Wood fibre insulation, thick walls and breathable panels are now common in Passive buildings in Europe and are making inroads in the North American market.

Why Wood?

As design teams, builders, and occupants strive to reduce the environmental footprint of their buildings, wood can play a critical role – from the sustainably managed forests of Canada to the diversity of new structural products and systems – designers will be able to achieve buildings and performance levels they wouldn’t have thought possible 40 years ago.

In the 19th century, Gustave Eiffel was no doubt asked ‘Why steel?’, but he persevered and revealed to the world a new way to build.

In the 21st century, some might well ask the question ‘Why wood?’

No other material has as many sustainable attributes as wood. Think about it – wood is renewable, recyclable, reusable, organic, biodegradable, strong, lightweight, ductile, diverse, easy-to-use and inexpensive. It stores carbon, produces oxygen, cleans the air we breathe and the water we drink, provides habitat and recreation opportunities in the forest and is the only major structural material grown by the sun. The challenge we face is to understand how this material works, how to integrate into our designs and to strive to even greater heights than we thought possible with wood.

So maybe the real question for the 21st century isn’t ‘Why wood?’; perhaps it is ‘If not wood, what?’

Ahead of the curve

Sloot Construction’s custom home in Guelph receives first certification in Canada in new Energy Star for New Homes standard

John Sloot realizes his company is a step ahead when it comes to being a construction industry leader in energy efficiency.

But he thinks the standards set by Sloot Construction Ltd., when it comes to high-performance levels in homes his company is building, will one day become the norm.

For now, though, he can take special pride in the fact that Sloot Construction has been recognized as the builder of the first home in Canada qualified under the new Energy Star for New Homes (ESNH) standard.
In layman’s terms, that means that the home in Guelph is over 20 per cent more energy efficient that others conforming to the minimum building code standards in Ontario.

“The more efficient your home is today the more you will keep on saving as others continue to pay more,” said Mr. Sloot, President of the Guelph and District Home Builders’ Association and President of Sloot Construction. “In the not-too-distant future this will be our normal building practice.”

The home, owned by Andy Goyda, is a 2,000-square-foot, three-bedroom bungalow in Sloot Construction’s Hale’s Manor Phase 11 community and is expected to provide an extra $600 a year in energy saving costs. Impressive numbers when you consider implementing extra energy efficiency features only added about $4,000 to the cost.

Stringent standards for the Energy Star certification have been put in place by Natural Resources Canada. An independent energy evaluator inspects and verifies each home, with the federal government’s EnerQuality Corp. on hand to observe the process.

There are a number of features in each home that are taken into consideration when an evaluation is conducted.

Some of those include:

  • High-performance windows;
  • Energy Star-rated appliances;
  • Insulation upgrades;
  • Higher-efficiency heating;
  • Superior draft-proofing;
  • And higher-efficiency air-conditioning.


Mr. Sloot says he is very happy with the air tightness results in the Goyda home.

“It turned out better than we expected,” he says. “We continue to find better ways to improve air tightness, which will only bring more savings to the homeowner.
“Overall, we were very satisfied with the energy efficiency results of the Goyda home and, better yet, the owners are extremely pleased and comfortable in their new home.”

He says that EnerQuality was very supportive of his company’s efforts to raise the energy efficiency bar with the Goyda home.

“EnergQuality offered any technical support to achieve energy efficiency and Energuide 86, which is the new measuring tool.”
Mr. Goyda, a market development manager/ Canadian builder lead at Owens Corning Canada, who works with builders such as Sloot Construction across the country, raved about how quiet his home is.

“It’s very quiet because of its air tightness and the house has no hot or cold spots,” he says. “All the rooms have an even temperature, in summer and in winter.

“The ERV (energy recovery ventilation) system acts as the lungs of the home and provides the right amount of fresh air while exhausting stale air.

“From a builder perspective, the best bang for the builder’s dollar is a super tight and super insulated envelope. That means the other decisions the builder makes – such as right sizing furnaces and ducts – can be less expensive.”

Mr. Sloot says more and more homeowners these days ask him about energy efficiency options that should be included when they build a new home.


“We have typically offered different types, such as in-floor heat in basements, upgraded insulation packages, upgraded/better air barriers/building envelopes and better windows,” he adds.
“Now we are offering a total package that includes an all-in-one option and we can show owners better overall savings on utility costs. This demand will continue to grow as these costs continue to go up.”


Since 1979, the Sloot family has laid the foundation for hundreds of dreams in Guelph and the surrounding area. John Sloot, president of Sloot Construction, is fascinated by taking a simple idea of design and using it as the foundation to create innovative concepts that touch the senses visually and emotionally.  Sloot is a hands-on builder who you will find on site working.  This approach and attention to detail has quickly earned the company a name for quality construction and customer satisfaction.  As the company has grown, so has its reputation, with hundreds of families to date investing their trust in a Sloot home. Years of experience and understanding a family’s needs are reflected in every one of the homes built.  A Sloot home includes an imaginative blend of contemporary and traditional design, many features considered upgrades, the most advanced building materials and superior craftsmanship.


Attention to [green] detail


SevernWoods Construction works with eco-minded couple for award-winning renovation of  1950s home

By Greg McMillan

Completing a successful green renovation of an older home is easier than most people think.

Look no further than the finished product at 66 Elmwood Avenue in North York – a 1950s home transformed into an award-winning example of teamwork between the homeowners, the architect, the builder and individual sub-contractors.

“We think that it is important for anybody doing a renovation [large or small] to understand it is really easy to incorporate basic energy-saving things into their home design,” says Linda Chan who, along with fellow engineer David Wai, are the home’s owners. “One doesn’t have to do all the different things we did but basic things like significantly higher amounts of insulation and better quality windows do not cost much more incrementally and end up saving you a lot of money.”

In this case, the homeowners went for a sustainable home run; and the results are impressive, as builder SevernWoods Construction Inc. was recently honoured by the Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) as the winner – for its work on the North York reno project – in the newly-added best green renovation category.

Tom Cumming, president/owner of SevernWoods Construction, says the owners at 66 Elmwood were very knowledgeable and, along with their architect Monica Kuhn, of Monica E. Kuhn, Architect Inc., were instrumental in leading the green and sustainable aspects of the project.
“While our company incorporates as many green and sustainable features, as feasible, into all our projects, not all clients put the environment ahead of comfort and lifestyle, but our working relationship with Linda and David was very good from start to finish,” he says.
Some of the renovation details included:


  • Existing foundations were underpinned and strengthened, the second floor and roof were rebuilt, and a new garage addition replaced the original;
  • Open-concept basement and main floor;
  • Raw steel and glass staircase;
  • In-floor radiant heating on all three floors;
  • Bamboo panelling and painted accent walls;
  • A large covered deck was added from the ground floor, and a walk-out terrace from the basement, allowing for better use of existing swimming pool and large yard.

    xisting swimming pool and large yard.


There is a long list of green features in the home, however a few highlights stand out:


  • Rooftop PVT solar panels produce electricity under the Ontario government’s MicroFIT program and thermal hot water for pool heating;
  • Concrete cistern collects rainwater from the roof;
  •  A layered combination of spray-foam polyurethane and mineral wool for R35 insulation values in the roof and walls;
  • No air conditioning – house is kept cool and comfortable in the summer with ceiling fans and large operating windows;
  • Choice of materials, including bamboo hardwood floors, fiberglass triple-glazed windows providing passive solar heating in winter, dual flush toilets, LED lighting in kitchen, low and no VOC paints and finishes;
  • In-floor radiant heat, efficient air handler with attached HRV circulates air throughout the house;
  • And heated basement floor.

Using products by Demilec Inc., which provides environmentally-friendly, high-performance polyurethane insulation systems to residential and commercial developers across five continents, SevernWoods was able to enhance the insulation value of the house, as well.
Ms. Chan stressed that anyone undergoing a detailed green reno should be prepared for “back-and-forth” with all parties from start to finish.

“For example, we worked with the mechanical designer – Dara Bowser of Bowser Technical Inc. – off and on throughout the process,” she says. “From asking him to model different levels of insulation, wall designs and window types to methods of heating/cooling to limit overall energy use.
“Also, based on one of his suggestions, we pushed for a large rainwater cistern for toilet and garden use and drain water heat recovery.”
There was also a second architect, Antonio Santini of Red Studio Architects, involved in the project – for interiors.  The structural engineer was David Moses of Moses Structural Engineers.

back new

Ms. Kuhn said she spent a lot of time looking for a more contemporary design for the home – it had already been renovated once by a previous owner – trying to maximize the clients’ spatial requirements while keeping the project within their budget.

For others considering a whole-scale green renovation, Ms. Chan says it’s important to take the time to find the right contractors.
“Whether it is the right architect, general contractor, engineer, or HVAC designer, you really need to feel comfortable with the capability and working style of those individuals involved,” she adds.



World’s largest wooden structure

Spain’s Metropol Parasol a magnet for tourists, with a honeycomb design featuring museum, farmers’ market, elevated plaza and panoramic terrace

Its claim to fame – recognition as the world’s largest wooden structure.

That headline-grabbing hook, however, only underscores the amazing design qualities of Metropol Parasol, the redevelopment of the Plaza de Encarnacion in Seville, Spain.

The project, completed over the course of seven years by Jurgen Mayer H. Architects, reasserts the central arcade as a community meeting place and market. And it’s quickly becoming a magnet for tourists and locals alike.
Offering an architectural museum, a farmers’ market, an elevated plaza, multiple bars and restaurants, as well as a panorama terrace overlooking the entire space and neighbourhood, the project reaffirms Seville’s spot as one of the world’s most fascinating cultural destinations.

Accented by a series of undulating parasols, Metropol’s interlocking honeycomb of wooden panels rise from concrete bases, which are positioned to form canopies and walkways below the parasols.

The German architect’s goal with Metropol Parasol’s neutral tone was to help harmonize the stark contrast of ultra-modern structure with the medieval surroundings of Seville.

Stairways and storefronts sit below the wooden parasols of the innovative structure, which is made from bonded timber with a polyurethane coating.

Originally, the site was slated to become a parking garage, but after excavations revealed archeological findings, the city of Seville decided to make the site a museum and community centre.

The building, popularly known as Las Setas de la Encarnación (Incarnación’s mushrooms), was completed in April 2011 and has dimensions of 150 by 70 metres (490 by 230 feet), with an approximate height of 26 metres (85 feet).

The structure consists of six parasols in the form of giant mushrooms, whose design is inspired by the vaults of the Cathedral of Seville and the Cathedral of Seville and the ficus trees in nearby Plaza de Cristo de Burgos.
Metropol Parasol is organized over four levels. The underground level (Level 0) houses the Antiquarium, where Roman and Moorish remains discovered on-site are displayed in a museum. Level 1 (street level) is the central market. The roof of Level 1 is the surface of the open-air public plaza, shaded by the wooden parasols above and designed for public events. Levels 2 and 3 are the two stages of the panoramic terraces (including a restaurant), offering one of the best views of the city centre.

A little history: since the 19th century, a market was located in the plaza, housed in a market building. The building was partially torn down in 1948, according to plans for urban renewal. The market itself remained, however, until 1973, when the rest of the dilapidated building was finally torn down. The land remained dormant until 1990, when the city decided to construct underground parking with space for a market on top.
In the the midst of construction, however, ruins dating to Roman and Andalusian eras were discovered, and construction was frozen after an expenditure of 14 million euros. In 2004 the city decided to attempt to develop the area again, and opened an international competition to solicit bids.
Mayer, 45, who spoke at the Interior Design Show in Toronto in January 2013, has said that the forms of his buildings were inspired by the vaults of Seville’s expansive cathedral and that he wanted to create a “cathedral without walls.”

To that end, the building differs from others of its kind, in that it is not a closed institution, locked at night, but a place that can be used at all times.

A reviewer noted that it catches and holds views from side streets, and from inside the new structure looking out.

“The Metropol Parasol offers much more than a vision of architectural beauty, it’s a breathtakingly modern interpretation of an urban centre, a place to be inspired but also to do the everyday things you do in city life.”


Founded in 1996, J. MAYER H. Architects focuses on works at the intersection of architecture, communication and new technology. Founder and principal Jürgen Mayer H. has received both national and international awards, including the Mies-van-der-Rohe Award for emerging architects in 2003, the Holcim Award Bronze in 2005, and the Audi Urban Future Award in 2010.

Working together

CaraCo Development reaps benefits of innovative project partnership with Union Gas

CaraCo Development Corporation is attracting attention from cost-conscious new home buyers.

The Kingston-based company, known as a leader in lifestyle development, recently entered into a agreement with Union Gas under the utility’s Optimum Home Program, which partners some of Ontario’s leading builders with expert building science consultants.

The project – dubbed Performance Home 2020 – was the result of a challenge for CaraCo to build a high-performance home that was 20 per cent above the Ontario Building Code requirements.

And CaraCo delivered – and then some, says Ken Dantzer, CaraCo’s design manager. So much so, that CaraCo has been awarded the ESC (Energy Solutions Centre) Partnership Award in recognition for its joint efforts with Union Gas.
The ESC award, from the non-profit organization of energy utilities and equipment manufacturers that promotes energy efficient natural gas solutions and systems for use by residential, commercial, and industrial energy users, signifies customer recognition of the benefit of working in partnership with a local utility.

That, plus the unique aspects of the project itself, has helped to pique interest from consumers.

“The attention to detail in the specifications and the conformance with future building codes has been well received by the public,” says Dantzer. “We have generated a lot of local interest through weekly advertising and radio, inviting the public to visit the model home. Educational signage is posted throughout, including a six-foot wide diagram explaining the home’s features and improvements, so visitors can learn about how they can benefit in comfort, in savings, and security of investment.”

The CaraCo Performance Home 2020 features several leading-edge building design and construction technologies, offering homebuyers improved comfort, better indoor air quality, and tools to efficiently control energy use, resulting in lower utility bills.
With Performance Home 2020, CaraCo has cemented its reputation as a leader in innovative development with accomplished past projects including homes built to the ENERGY STAR® for New Homes Standard, R-2000 homes, LEED certified, as well as incorporating standard features that are environmentally conscious and energy efficient. The Performance Home 2020 utilizes best practice technology cost effectively with minimal increase to sale price.


CaraCo, also known for leading the way in innovative building standards in Ontario, will be utilizing the success of the prototype Performance Home 2020 at 827 Augusta Drive in Kingston to build its business – with formalized specifications now in place, the system will be implemented into about 10 per cent of the company’s housing.
“As with many initiatives such as the CaraCo Performance Home 2020, LEED, and ENERGY STAR® that we are utilizing, the process of developing a real project under their guidelines helped to refine our specifications and train our suppliers and trades as to what specifications are required,” says Dantzer. “This could apply to local sourcing, efficiency, chemical composition and quality control.
“We have found this process invaluable, and continues to drive change within our specifications. We will continue to seek the forthcoming regulation to elevate our product and continue to lead the way ahead of our competition.”


A family-owned company, CaraCo Development Corporation has been building houses in Kingston since 1986. CaraCo Development Corporation has maintained an excellent rating for after sales service consecutively since incorporation in 1986, achieving the highest ‘After Sales Service Achievement recognition’ award from Tarion, and the ONHWP ‘President’s Award,’ placing CaraCo’s service record among the highest in Ontario.


Putrajaya residential waterfront development

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

2008 – 2013
Under construction;

International competition, first prize;

Cityscape Dubai international award 2008;

Cityscape Asia Singapore international award 2009.

Studio Nicoletti Associati and Hijjas Kasturi Associates SDN.

Putrajaya Holdings Ltd., Malaysia

Project area
280.000 sqm

184 M€ (million Euros) / $240M U.S.


Overall master plan

The city of Putrajaya, the new administrative capital of Malaysia, a few miles north of Kuala Lumpur, is home to a large planned residential tower complex in Precinct 4.

The key to the overall planning for the waterfront is the relationship to the waterfront or lakefront. While the buildings on the boulevard predominantly reinforce the alignment of the boulevard, the waterfront planning would tie the boulevard back to the waterfront.

The new urban plan places integration with landscaping and view as priorities. It encourages creating “fingers” of developments towards the water and, infused with a park, creating a series of green forecourts.

The urban plan suggests the building orientation and massing provide maximum view toward the water and development across the lake. The massing architecture is broken into smaller components with different heights. This approach will ensure the integration of landscape and building massing. The landscape and public areas will be larger and located in between the building fingers, which will create an interesting “journey” towards the waterfront.

panoramica putrajaya colore_flatten

Design concept: The metaphor

The concept for the buildings was inspired by the metaphor of a fleet of eight majestic ‘Sails,’ both light and transparent. The forms are elegant and strong. The iconic image of these eight majestic  ‘Sail’ buildings, on the edge between land and water, will be striking. The individual residences will be linked by a low single storey curvilinear podium tying the building forms. Strong structural ribs further reinforces the majestic verticality of the buildings.

The structure is exoskeleton in nature, reminiscent of a boat hull construction arching from one face to another. The connecting arches also give a somewhat modern Islamic expression.

The eight  ‘Sail’ buildings have similar shapes but different sizes. The number of the floors varies from 12 to 18, capped by roof gardens with panoramic views around Putrajaya.

Each levels on a ‘Sail’ buildings is configured similar to the deck of a ship. The structural frame is a series of double pillars linked at the summit, similar to the transversal frames of a boat. These double pillars create an ogival shape and they converge on the line of the keel, at the summit.

Each building will be further protected by light brise-soleil skin connected to the vertical pillars, controlling daylight to each flat, giving an overall sense of lightness and transparency to the building form. This brise-soliel would not interfere with the sightlines of the occupants toward the exterior from within each flat. The intention is that, from the inside of each flat, there will be an extraordinary sensation of being completely surrounded by water.

On the whole, the buildings of the new waterfront residential development will look like a series of elegant boats with their sails spread full with wind.


Sustainability strategy

The design of the waterfront residential development has aimed to create a truly sustainable development. Significant measures have been taken to reduce the impact of the development on the local and global environment. This will fundamentally be achieved by ensuring a sustainable design, construction and operation of the buildings.

The approach to sustainability has been to ensure that the development makes efficient use of natural resources and has a greatly reduced environmental impact.

For Precinct 4, Putrajaya, the Italian firm brought sustainable strategies like terraces, sunshades, natural ventilation and integrated green space into the design. The buildings will source from alternative energy and are expected to produce 50 per cent less CO2 emissions than similar residential projects through a combination of passive design, energy efficiency and low or zero carbon energy.

Courtesy of Studio Nicoletti Associati



Aedas – Abu Dhabi Investment Council

New headquarters Al Bahr Towers


The design concept for Aedas’ innovative competition-

winning design is derived from an algorithmic composition,

influenced by Islamic principles of design, that has been

supplemented by the application of a dynamic translucent

mashrabiya (type of wooden lattice screen) which opens and closes in response to

the movement of the sun, reducing solar gain on the

building facade by up to 50 per cent. The resulting composition

seeks to create a building which is both culturally and

environmentally responsive, reflecting the aspirations of

the brief while also respecting the emergent Abu Dhabi

2030 Plan. The building completed at the beginning of 2012

is targeting a LEED Silver rating.

ADIC Podium Entrance, Stage D


The project brief required two 25-story towers to create

an outstanding landmark building that would provide a

contemporary design using modern technology while considering

the region’s architectural heritage together with the status of the

clients’ organization.

The aspirations of the brief were consistent with a number of

other initiatives within Abu Dhabi at that time, namely the recent

publication of the Abu Dhabi 2030 Plan, promotion of the Masdar

initiative on renewable technology, together with the recently

published Estidama (sustainable) standard.


Tower Form

In order to generate the form of the towers, Aedas applied the

principles of geometric composition derived from traditional

Islamic architecture. Geometric composition has been a defining

characteristic of Islamic architecture for centuries, the circle and

rotation reflecting the concept of unification and unity evident in

nature; an important concept in Islam and in the emerging science

of biomimicry.

ADIC-View12-Wide-FINALv3(SMALL)_Large Thumbnail (600x600)

Following an intense period of analysis, and influenced by

both the client’s brief and also the orientation of the site,

Aedas began to develop the distinctive form of the towers

using parametric design techniques to generate a defining

geometry. Their starting point was two cylindrical towers; a

circle producing the most efficient form in terms of wall to

floor area while also creating the greatest volume with the

least surface area.

The circular plan form was articulated to reduce solar exposure

on the most heavily exposed elevations and, in doing so, began

to generate a natural orientation. The form of the towers was

then sculpted around the core, more narrow at the base and at the

top, but broader around the intermediate floors. The crown of

the tower was cut at an angle to maximize solar gain for roof-

mounted photovoltaics. Sky gardens were introduced in the most

heavily exposed southerly elevation to further reduce solar gain

while providing an amenity space for users.

Having established an underlying geometry, the team was then

able to erode the elevation in order to generate the structural

and cladding grids. The resulting honeycomb structure performs

well in terms of its seismic response, (due to the number of

vertical elements), well in terms of bracing (due to the number

of diagonal elements), well in terms of redundancy (due to the

number of alternate load paths) and well in terms of wind loading

(by providing an aerodynamic profile).



At the same time as the form of the towers was being developed,

the team was keen to find a way of protecting the building

from the extremely high levels of solar heat gain which could

be expected. Drawing upon their knowledge of the region’s

vernacular architecture, the practice became intrigued by the

use of mashrabiya. The mashrabiya is a popular form of

wooden lattice screen found in Islamic architecture as a device for

achieving privacy while reducing glare and solar gain.

Aedas have reinterpreted the concept of the mashrabiya at the

Al Bahr towers by developing a series of translucent umbrella-like

components which open and close in response to the movement

of the sun. Each shading device is driven by a linear actuator and

dramatically reduces the amount of solar gain striking the façade.

The dynamic screen avoids the need for heavily tinted glass,

thereby reducing the need for significant artificial lighting while

providing better views for occupants of the building. This is the first

time such a moveable facade has been used at this scale, enabling

a reduction in solar gain of over 50%. The facade will be controlled

via the building management system, creating an intelligent facade



Some of the benefits provided by the dynamic facade

Lighting and views:

• Reduced glare;

• Improved daylight penetration;

• Less frequent use of internal blinds;

• Less reliance on artificial lighting;

• Improved views for occupants of the building.

Energy Consumption:

• Up to 50% reduction in solar gain;

• Significant reduction in electrical energy consumption;

• Total site CO2 emissions reduction of over 1,750 tonnes per year.

The building, which also incorporates the use of solar thermal

panels for hot water heating, is targeting a LEED Silver rating.


Aedas is an international practice working in architecture, interior

design, master planning, landscape, urban design and building

consultancy through 39 offices in Europe, the Middle East, Asia

and the Americas. The group is supported by a research &

development group that has been recognized for its pioneering

work in sustainability, computational design and advanced

modeling. Aedas has a strong commitment to the cities and

communities in which its architects live and work. The practice

was named “International Practice of The Year” by the Architect’s

Journal in May 2010. Some of the key projects Aedas is currently

designing include: The National September 11 Memorial Museum

in New York and Farringdon Station, forming part of Crossrail, in

London. In 2009, Aedas completed the first phase of the Dubai

Metro. Other projects in the region include Cleveland Clinic for





ATENASTUDIO – Landscape and Waterscape

At the heart of Atenastudio’s mixed use building complex in China

Atenastudio, in collaboration with Archmaster studio, has developed a master plan for a new district in Wuxi, China.

The plan would take a 200,000 square-metre buildable zoning lot and design a project based on two key elements – landscape and waterscape.

The master plan program includes five skyscraper buildings, three multi-storey buildings, three courtyard buildings, 56 villas, and a 5-7-star hotel with 350 rooms. The hotel would have 24 floors, and feature shopping, real estate offices, aquatic sports club, daycare, elderly care, a multi-media library, tennis, yacht and squash clubs, plus underground parking.


The north border of this land is along the Taihu Lake Avenue, the east along the Hongqiao Road, the south along the Dingchang River and the west along the Taihu Lake.

The area appears to be of exceptional paesistic value because of the existence of a waterfront west towards Taihu Lake and south towards Dingchang River, both augmented by a view of the mountain chains to the north


The ground is not thought of as a flat plate element on which the buildings are simply located. On the contrary, it is used as if it would be a ‘3D solid material’ and shaped both horizontally and vertically.

In this way, force lines – always dynamic – are developed from east to west. Their highest points are on the two hills that enclose the villas, with a view of Taihu Lake.


The movement of these force lines produce in-between spaces, which create the squares system and the whole public spaces.

This movement partially generates the buildings themselves, mainly the five high-rise buildings, the hotel, the facilities and the shopping area. In this way, they assume a plastic and dynamic shape.


Other buildings appear to be ‘on’ the landscape instead; in particular the villas, the courtyard building and the multi-storey buildings. Green is used as a ‘design material:’ Private gardens and roof gardens for the villas, green facades and roof gardens for the courtyard buildings and hanging gardens for the multi-storey buildings.

Tight linear trees add to this integrated landscape system – following and underlining the landscape bands – and represent an integrated project system of essences, mostly consisting of plum trees.


The intention is to emphasize, to the maximum, the presence of water – making it become a diffuse system, introducing it inside the area and in every part of the project, and using it as if it was a ‘3D liquid material.’

Following a model found in Venice, an estuary will be created to the south with an artificial island for open air shows.
There will be a series of buildings which represent the yacht club (thought of as an archipelago), a small lake system, and a timed waterfall (perhaps 10 minutes per hour, mainly in the evening and with scenographic artificial lighting) coming from the top floor of the hotel.

In this way, a perfect fusion between Earth, water and architecture is achieved.


This is based on a design and attention-to-landscape approach which is typically Italian and Mediterranean. It was attained by pursuing a goal guided by reference to the human scale.

The result is a landscape resort community park, respecting the law of humanity and nature.


ATENASTUDIO is a research and a design company based in Rome, working in the fields of

architecture, urbanism, landscape and interior design. The studio was established by Marco

Sardella and Rossana Atena in 2005.

ATENASTUDIO has been strongly involved on international level in several design projects and

competitions with professionalism and thorough knowledge of many aspects conceiving

architecture, advanced technologies, landscape, urbanism and interior design.

ATENASTUDIO follows an environmentally sustainable design approach in all projects at both the urban and architectural scale. Within this design approach, sustainability and bioclimatic research are not seen as independent disciplines but as an integral part of the design process that leads to an environmentally responsible solution. Local environmental and ecological conditions are considered as fundamental factors within the design process and implemented as strategies for the development of a characteristic urban identity.



The Remington Centre: Canada’s Largest Geothermal Retail Destination

Recent years have seen many major shopping centres in the GTA undergo significant revitalization initiatives, but few developers have decided to completely rebuild. Building from the ground up affords the developer the opportunity to utilize the latest technologies and environmental practices and implement green standards at each step of development. It is from this foundation that The Remington Group embarked on developing Canada’s newest retail destination

When The Remington Group decided to build one of the most innovative, Asian-inspired shopping centres in Canada, The Remington Centre, they started with that commitment to sustainability. They turned to Kohn Partnership Architects to plan and design the 800,000 square foot shopping destination.


Sean Lawrence, a partner at Kohn Partnership Architects, started from a foundation of passive design. Combining fundamental building principles such as the orientation of the shopping centre combined with selecting materials to deliver comfort and usability while minimizing carbon load, his goal is to design the greenest shopping centre in the country.

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The innovative, state-of-the art design of The Remington Centre is situated to take advantage of the site’s surroundings to utilize the maximum amount of natural light, including bright retail suites and light-filled hallways. To encourage enjoyment of the outdoor space, The Remington Centre features a 6-acre tree-lined public plaza complete with a spectacular water fountain that converts into an ice rink during the winter months. Ensuring that sustainability is a consideration in all building elements, even the rink helps improve the efficiency of the building. By recovering the thermal energy made during the refrigeration process, the rink is a prime candidate for waste heat recovery and will be used for snow melting at the entrance of the centre as well as heating the building.

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When it came to determining the most efficient energy model for the centre, Lawrence turned to engineers MCW Consultants Ltd.

In order to help evaluate and quantify the energy efficiency of various design options, MCW developed a 3D hour-by-hour dynamic full building simulation. Weighing energy consumption, costs, environmental impact, and then running a financial payback model, they determined a hybrid approach – including a geoexhange system with high-efficiency peaking boilers and fluid coolers – was the best solution for The Remington Centre.


A closed loop geoexhange system will meet the centre’s heating and cooling requirements for makeup air and for all the retail suites. The geoexhange system, which will be implemented by Groundheat Systems International Inc., includes a field of 284 boreholes on a grid of 15-20 feet. Each hole is 500 feet deep and the entire system utilizes over 80 km of underground tubing. The geoechange system is combined with an In-slab hydronic radiant heating system with high-efficiency condensing boilers for all common areas. The Remington Centre will be one of the largest commercial geothermal projects in North America.

“While the equipment being used will ensure The Remington Centre maximizes its efficiency and minimizes its footprint, it is all tried and true,” says Brian Tysoe, Associate and National Manager of Energy Modelling Services from MCW. “This is all commercial equipment from major manufacturers. We are truly maximizing the available technology.”

The centre will also employ an energy recovery ventilation (ERV) system. An ERV system supplies continuous fresh air from outside to the Centre. The heat recovery core of the unit transfers a portion of heat in the stale exhaust air to the incoming fresh air from outside before being distributed throughout the centre.

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“The impact of implementing these systems is significant,” said Lawrence. “Net energy reductions include a 40% reduction in consumption and 25% reduction in cost.”

“ The geothermal design removes 2,500 tons of CO2 from the environment annually – which is equivalent to removing 500 cars from the road and saving 900 hectares of rainforest per year.”

To further reduce the need for air conditioning, energy consumption, and emissions of greenhouse gases and urban air pollutants, The Remington Centre has a white roof. White roofs reflect up to 90 percent of sunlight compared to the 20% reflected by dark roofs. The centre’s white roof does not absorb heat and contributes greatly to its energy efficiency. Additionally, the roof extends slightly outward. These subtle roof extension help shade direct sunlight while still encouraging natural light, thus reducing the extra load on air conditioning.

The retail centre marks the first phase of development. As part of the second phase two condominium towers will be built above a six-storey podium, which will incorporate a green roof. Green roofs have numerous social and environmental benefits and can contribute positively to issues surrounding climate change, flooding, biodiversity and declining green space in urban areas. Having condominiums as part of the development will also encourage the development of a community in the area – a place where residents can shop, dine, live and play.

To accommodate visitors who will travel to the centre, transportation and congestion issues are also a key consideration in creating a sustainable development. In order to minimize the parking layout and to create a welcoming forecourt with useable outdoor space, a multi-level parking complex is situated at the back of the mall. A new underground access off Steeles Avenue to parking bays will improve traffic flow and provide easy access for visitors. Additionally, public transit is easily accessible, and includes a skywalk directly to GO Transit as well as onsite TTC, York Region Transit Terminals and VIVA transit.

With a focus on developing a sustainable community, The Remington Centre’s design incorporates safety and security concerns. Essential to security in shopping centres is the integration of indoor and outdoor space, as well as the promotion of other activities such as dining and entertainment – all of which provide opportunities for natural surveillance through activity support. The Remington Centre will incorporate these considerations, including passive design and lighting considerations, which will help ensure there are no unsafe spaces within the centre.

“Another design consideration is safety for birds”, says Lawrence. It is estimated that 1 to 10 birds die per building, per year, particularly during the migration periods. The Remington Centre’s site lighting and window glazing have been designed to ensure better conditions for birds by minimizing these collisions.

The Remington Centre construction begins in May 2014 with the initial phase, which includes all elements of the 800,000 square foot retail centre. For more information, visit For more information the architect and engineer, please visit and