

The Remington Centre: Canada’s Largest Geothermal Retail Destination

Recent years have seen many major shopping centres in the GTA undergo significant revitalization initiatives, but few developers have decided to completely rebuild. Building from the ground up affords the....


Building Integrated Photovoltaic   “Solar architecture is not about fashion, it’s about survival”  Sir Norman Foster Buildings are responsible for 40% of global energy consumption and the solutions proposed by this company are heading....

LAVA – Snowflake Tower

ARCHITECT LAVA - Laboratory for Visionary Architecture Chris Bosse, Tobias Wallisser, Alexander Rieck Sydney – Stuttgart – Abu Dhabi – Shanghai NAME OF PROJECT Snowflake Tower LOCATION Abu Dhabi, UAE Europe, Asia, Middle East DATE 2007 CLIENT PNYG|Marasi STATUS Feasibility study/concept design SIZE GFA 106.550 m2;....

Bionic Tower, Abu Dhabi, UAE

ARCHITECT LAVA ‐ Laboratory for Visionary Architecture Chris Bosse, Tobias Wallisser, Alexander Rieck www.l‐a‐v‐ Sydney – Stuttgart – Abu Dhabi – Shanghai NAME OF PROJECT Bionic Tower, High Rise Concept LOCATION Abu Dhabi, UAE DATE 2007 CLIENT Client: Confidential STATUS Feasibility Stage SIZE Height: 240 m DESCRIPTION The....

Ivanpah: The world largest solar thermal plant

The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System (SEGS) – owned by NRG Energy, Google, and BrightSource Energy – will use BrightSource’s proven solar tower technology to produce clean, reliable solar electricity....

Walking the walk and talking the talk

Innovation from University of Waterloo showcased in school’s new Environment 3 LEED Platinum building By Greg McMillan Any construction project earning Platinum status for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) deserves....

Masdar Plaza

World’s first zero carbon, zero waste city powered entirely by renewable energy sources Masdar Initiative is a long-term strategic commitment by the government of Abu Dhabi to accelerate the development and....


James Law Cybertecture Sustainable Technosphere In Dubai’s Technopark Concept Overview The concept of this iconic building for the Technopark of Dubai, is a building which will reflect the state of Planet Earth in the....


Mumbai’s Cybertecture Egg “In the 21st Century, buildings will be different from 20th Century”, say James Law Cybertecture International, “They are no longer about concrete, steel and glass, but also the....


Introduction of Solar Liquid Power (SLP) as a Coating or Paint SOLAR SYNTHESIS DELIVERED AS A RENEWABLE SOLAR POWER LIQUID In 2006, a private group of scientists, poured their own funds....


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