All posts by Giulio

Women in Green – JoAnne Butler

JoAnne Butler provides voice of experience at the Ontario Power Authority

When JoAnne Butler joined the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) as its vice-president of electricity resources back in 2008, she arrived with a wealth of global experience and expertise.

And those trademarks have served her well over the ensuing years.

Ms. Butler’s career has featured multi-year stops in Mexico and the United Arab Emirates, as well as expatriate roles in both Egypt and Tunisia. So she definitely brings an international viewpoint to the table.

“It is very rewarding to work in different cultures and to understand different perspectives,” Butler tells Green Business and Sustainable Strategies magazine. “ But one thing is clear in all areas of the world where I have worked – we have an inescapable dependence on energy to make our modern world possible.”

In the Middle East, she said she honed her technical oil and gas production skills. In Mexico, she was an independent power producer supporting the ongoing business of two combined cycle gas-fired power plants under contract with the Mexican government.

“So my skills extend from seismic to burner tip,” she says. “Now I am on the public sector side of the business and have walked a mile in other people’s shoes on the developer side, and understand their motivations, as well, when they come to me with concerns about their contracts.

“The electricity business is complex in any jurisdiction, so just problem-solving through issues around it, whatever the country, is always helpful experience.”

And make no mistake about it, Butler has made her mark in Ontario, along with her team and the Ontario Power Authority as a whole.

“In 2008, we had more than 11,000 megawatts of new supply under contract,” she notes. “Almost five years later, the OPA has more than 21,000 megawatts of electricity supply under contract and it’s all clean energy – 8,039 MW of renewable wind, solar and bio-energy, 2,367 MW of renewable hydroelectric, 7,679 MW of natural gas, combined heat and power and energy from waste, and 3,000 MW of nuclear capacity under contract.

“Of the 21,000 megawatts under contract, almost 13,000 megawatts are already in commercial operation, and the rest is under construction or in early development stages. As a result of these procurements and the OPA’s conservation efforts, Ontario is no longer in the dire electricity supply situation it faced in the last decade. We have clean, reliable supply in place for the next several years.”

She says that a big reason for the significant amount of wind, solar and bio-energy under contract to the OPA is the creation and launch in 2009 of the “groundbreaking” feed-in tariff (FIT) program for renewable energy, the “first comprehensive one of its kind in North America.”

The FIT program, Butler points out, offers long-term contracts at set prices for solar, wind, hydro and bio-energy projects in the province.

“It’s meeting the goals that were set out to be accomplished – kick-starting renewable energy development, and fostering economic development, job creation and a cleaner supply of electricity for the province,” she says. “To date, we’ve executed more than 1,700 FIT contracts and more than 13,700 microFIT contracts for over 4,700 megawatts of renewable electricity.

“The FIT program is helping to increase the role of renewable energy supply in Ontario. In fact, by 2018, hydroelectric resources will reach 9,000 megawatts, and wind, solar and bio-energy resources will amount to about 10,700 megawatts.”

It’s important, Butler says, for the public to become informed and educated on how the electricity system works.

“Many people flick the switch and have no idea how much money and enterprise it takes to get it there,” she says. “While government policy will play a role in charting the direction, the laws of physics, supply and demand, and cost and value will ultimately rule.  It is also important to try to change our behaviours to take conservation of energy seriously.”

Moving forward at OPA, Butler says there are four areas she would like to focus on:

  • For large projects, procurement initiatives that allow the best of the competitive process to come through – private sector innovation and creative solutions, efficient risk allocation and sharing, and drive to provide solutions at competitive prices;
  • Leverage the success of the standard offer programs like the FIT model for micro to smaller projects to remove barriers to entry and allow new and less-experienced participants, as well as more community and aboriginal based power, an opportunity to participate as energy producers;
  • Better integration between new facility and building development, and energy production. For a new factory, campus or social housing development, that may mean solar panels on a purpose-designed roof, or even small-scale combined heat and power (CHP) or cogeneration where the heat is used to support a business process;
  • Taking another look at storage and finding cost-effective and innovative ways to use it.

Being recognized as a leader in sustainable business practices is important to her, she says.

“I have 34 years of experience in many facets of the energy business and using that experience to support greener and cleaner aspects of the business links it all together,” she says. “I think we all have a responsibility to take care of the planet for future generations.

“We need to take an active role in managing our energy use to hopefully conserve and lower our electricity consumption. There is room for a wide range of technologies to support our appetite for energy, and finding the appropriate circumstances to economically use them is a high priority.”


Women in Green – Direct Energy

The Fab Four at Direct Energy 

Dynamic Women with Account Management Team Offer Decades of Expertise

They are known throughout the construction industry as movers and shakers who greet clients with smiles and warm handshakes.

These dynamic women of the Direct Energy Builder Group – Laura Bonise, Sue Cerilli, Linda Oliveri and Carole Solway – bring decades of experience and expertise to the table, and have hundreds of clients to attest to their value and effectiveness.

From actively developing professional relationships with builders through various events to working behind the scenes on homebuilder association committees, they help builders and contractors select the right water heating and hydronic equipment, and offer product training when needed.
They pay attention to details, and remain involved throughout the building process; from design, to delivery, to after-care service.

And they attend conferences and training to ensure they are the building code experts on which others can rely.

As the building code continues to change and more savvy consumers are looking to reduce their environmental footprint, building practices are evolving at a quick pace.  Builders are following new code requirements for homes built to a higher standard.  Mechanical contractors and energy evaluators are trying to calculate the impact of tighter envelopes and select the correct new equipment.  It all places demands on architects and builders to understand how different mechanical configurations affect home design and the building process.

With these new technologies emerging, the question becomes how to select the water heater that is best suited for each new home.  In the middle of this ongoing transformation, the building industry works with this team of four energetic women from the Direct Energy Builder Group.

These Account Managers assist the builder in the selection of the most appropriate type of water heater to meet their energy requirements:

Laura Bonise

Quietly confident, Laura Bonise of Oakville, Ontario is among the leading specialists in the area of power vent tanks, tankless water heaters and boiler systems to accommodate combo-heating applications.

With over 33 years of experience at Direct Energy, the knowledge she has acquired is of great value to builders, architects, mechanical and general contractors.  Bonise assists her clients with product selection, training and technical support and brings a great deal of credibility to the table.

As with many accomplished people, her outside achievements are truly impressive.  She is a founding member of Women In Construction (WINC), a non-profit organization of professional women who help communities and individuals in crisis.  Among many great projects, WINC has refurbished a Toronto Youth Centre, raised money for and built numerous homes with Habitat for Humanity and renovated the offices of New Beginnings, a women’s support organization.

Last year Bonise travelled with colleague, Sue Cerilli, to the Dominican Republic to participate in the building of six homes for impoverished families.  Laura Bonise not only talks the talk, but walks the walk, when it comes to improving our world and the environment we live in.

Sue Cerilli

Sue Cerilli of Innisfil, Ontario admits that because Direct Energy Account Managers have home-based offices, for the past 10 years she has worked a little more than she should.

“The building industry is constantly changing, and we work with our clients to adapt to the forever changing Building Code and Energy Star requirements” she says.

She works closely with builders, mechanical engineers, heating contractors and energy consultants reviewing proposals during construction planning.

Despite her dedication, Cerilli still finds the time and energy for family fun, camping, hiking, building houses for charity (see previous section), chairing community projects, and serving as Secretary-Treasurer for the Canadian Home Builders Association of Simcoe County.  She even opens her door and listens patiently to the pitch of the occasional door-to-door salesman – like the time a competitor tried to persuade her to change her water heater, while her Direct Energy branded vehicle sat a few feet away in the driveway.

Linda Oliveri 

“We try to be as environmentally responsible as we possibly can”, says Linda Oliveri of her small family (husband, Dominic, and Bianca, a Maltese poodle) in Ottawa, Ontario.  “Turning down the thermostat, composting, growing our own food organically, using energy-efficient lightbulbs – simple steps can really add up to reducing our overall environmental footprint.”

And in her work, she helps smooth the pathway for builders using greener technologies.
“With the transition to more energy efficient products, such as tankless water heaters and condensing products, builders have been required to rethink the standard mechanical system,” says the 10-year Direct Energy veteran.  “There are special factors to consider, such as changes in venting requirements, clearances for both the products themselves and their terminations, condensate drains, etc.  This has caused several builders to revamp their mechanical rooms and vent system designs in order to comply with new installation requirements.”

Like her colleagues, Oliveri’s commitment extends beyond her corporate responsibilities.  She serves on the Green Committee for the Greater Ottawa Home Builders Association, as well as the Housing Design Awards Committee, the Sales & Marketing Committee, Habitat for Humanity’s Steel Toes & Stilettos Fundraiser Gala Committee, and has won several awards for her dedication to the construction industry.

Carole Solway

Carole Solway of Toronto typifies the boundless energy of the dynamic team at Direct Energy.  She handles numerous accounts and encourages her builders to involve Direct Energy early in the planning process.  When technologies and building standards evolve, communication is critical between suppliers and builders.

“The increase in higher density homes means smaller mechanical rooms and fewer options for builders.  Tankless units are becoming more popular, but require more discussion and on-site meetings with the builder and their trades.”

Solway’s inclusive approach ensures appropriate product selection and installation for her builders.  Solway previously worked for a large builder, and has 19 years of service at Direct Energy.  Her knowledge helps with guiding builders in their selection of energy efficient products.

Always available to her builders, Solway says “I am passionate about the building industry and appreciate the opportunity to be involved in this exciting environment.”

She enjoys spending time with family, watching films, spinning, and practicing yoga.  Solway is also a serious adventure traveller.  This year she will visit Vietnam, and spent two weeks in Peru climbing for more than three days to Machu Picchu.

Direct Energy is North America’s largest competitive energy solutions provider, with over six million residential and commercial customer relationships.  With over 60 years of experience in the area of water heaters and the largest client portfolio across Canada, Direct Energy has 1.1 million residential rental water heater customers.  Their water heater program offers builders great value and a green product offering, coupled with quality service for all rental water heater needs.  In addition to quality products, Direct Energy prides itself on having the largest residential service force to stand behind their portfolio of water heaters, including over 700 highly-trained and licensed technicians in Ontario alone. 


Women in Green – Reliance Home Comfort

The Reliance Home Comfort

Go-To Team Helps Build Green

Reliance Green Building Ambassadors spend many hours working directly with builders on projects, and also on enhancing their own expertise to ensure that they continue to provide builders with the very best information. From attending training with new homebuyer customers to providing information on water heating and bundle HVAC products, ENERGY STAR and the latest building codes; builders trust them as valued partners in planning for maximum energy efficiency and home comfort. They make sure equipment meets builder requirements, and troubleshoot with them during the project development, as well as beyond the life of the project.

In addition to their strong builder relationships, experience, and the training they have taken themselves on ENERGY STAR and the Ontario Building Code, Reliance Green Building Ambassadors can call on specialized support from a team of in-house sustainability experts. They also often have strong connections with local homebuilder associations. They support builders every step of the way through the Reliance Builder Program and bundle HVAC product and service offerings.

Reliance Builder Program The Reliance Builder Program saves builders thousands of dollars in capital costs with the installation of bundle HVAC rental equipmentwhich provides builders with aa suite of innovative and space-saving green products to choose from. In addition, after the equipment is properly installed, builders know they can rely on the Reliance service team to assume post-close warranty obligations, providing peace-of-mind maintenance and guaranteed services to homeowners 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.

Bundle HVAC  Builders could save thousands of dollars per residential unit and increase home marketability with ENERGY STARrated products. They can select between several models of the best brands of furnaces, air conditioners, condensing tankless water heaters, condensing storage tanks, heat recovery ventilators, air handlers and more.

Carla Agostino

Carla Agostino from Hamilton, Ontario worked on the first air handler projects back in 1991. These energy-wise alternative heating systems were extremely innovative and experimental at the time. It’s a testament to the competence and professionalism of people like Agostino that they are now commonplace. She manages keys accounts in Chatham, Hamilton, Halton, Niagara, Thunder Bay, Sault Ste. Marie and Windsor. She is respected in the industry and an active member of the Hamilton Homebuilders Association.

Agostino is approaching 24 years of service with the company and says she turns on her phone early, “and away I go.” She starts each day at 7:00 AM, working with builders, architects and engineers to meet the needs of the growing build-green market. “ I could work easily 60 hours each week if I let myself. I don’t look at the hours, I look at getting the work done.”

When not working she is equally busy. Agostino has her career, two children, a home to take care of and a good sense of humour. She likes to go running. “Running helps reduce the daily stress.” With everything she has going on, she says, “I run a lot!”

Jennifer Hurd

Jennifer Hurd, from Oshawa, Ontario has been a Key Account Manager for Reliance Home Comfort for more than 5 years, managing Greater Toronto, Durham, Kawartha and Peterborough. She has won many awards for her service excellence and expertise, including the 2012 Outstanding Trade Person from the Durham Home Builders Association and three Reliance President’s Awards in the past four years. Hurd explains that builders have a lot on their minds and Green Building Ambassadors try to help by making sure everything goes smoothly with the building code, product specifications, ordering and delivery. “When the builder and the site supervisor realize that we know the business and are easy to work with, it leads to referrals to other builders.”

“I think Green living is important now more than ever,” says Hurd. Her thermostat is programmed to drop the temperature when no one is at home and at night. She has a tankless unit and ENERGY STAR windows and sees it as a responsibility to discuss sustainability with friends and industry colleagues. She is a strong supporter of a local homebuilder’s association, and helps plan Energy Star breakfast meetings. Hurd is also involved with organizing customer appreciation events that also raise funds for

Habitat for Humanity.

When not working she spends time with her son Aidan, who shares her passion for green living and takes charge of recycling. Hurd is a Leader with Aidan’s Cub troupe, a foodie, an outdoors person and an Oshawa Generals fan. She just renovated a bathroom and is now turning her attention to an ensuite, using low VOC paints, of course.

Reliance Green Building Ambassadors are well known and respected by Ontario home builders. As one of the largest rental water heating & HVAC companies in Canada, Reliance Home Comfort proudly depends on these very capable Green Building Ambassadors, as well as their head office green support specialists, to help builders save thousands of dollars in capital costs and receive the timely information they need to build comfortable, sustainable homes.

Women in Green – Enbridge

Going the extra mile at Enbridge after the work day is done

For the women working in the green building sectors for Enbridge, their commitment goes well beyond the standard job descriptions.
Most noticeably, they are recognized for passionately embracing community endeavours along the way.
“A great number of us are involved with many community/volunteered-based organizations,” says Mary Harinck, Energy Advisor, Commercial New Construction, at Enbridge.
She pointed to the group called Women in Construction (WINC), which is a non-profit organization of professional women that serves communities and individuals who are in need of help or in crisis.
Part of WINC’s mandate focuses on the unique strengths, network and resources that allows them to  deliver solutions that transform environments to enrich and better the lives of those in need, thereby creating positive change.
“But there are many other outreach programs,” Harinck continued, “including Habitat for Humanity, board and committee involvement with home builders’ associations, Ride for Cancer and Big Sisters.”
As a result, there is a definite work/volunteer overlap, which creates an ongoing synergy with communities.
“These women at Enbridge are continuously contacted to help builders with any concerns or questions that may arise during their building process regarding the gas utility,” Harinck says.

For more than 15 years, Harinck says, Enbridge Gas Distribution has been actively promoting a portfolio of energy efficiency programs to help its customers save energy and money.
“Together, we’ve implemented energy savings that have allowed us to avoid producing 9.9 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions, and have saved 5.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas.”

And that is all part of a dedicated corporate strategy. According to the company’s website, Enbridge has become a leader in the safe and reliable delivery of energy in North America and is proud to be recognized as one of the global 100 most sustainable corporations in the world.
“We generate energy, expanding our interests in renewable and green energy technologies,” the website says, “including wind and solar energy, geothermal and hybrid fuel cells.”
Both Harinck and Shannon Bertuzzi, Sales Manager, Residential Energy Solutions, at Enbridge, point out there are also many programs to assist builders with homes and making the buildings more energy efficient.
“We’re here to give you the resources you need,” says Bertuzzi. “More than ever, homebuyers are looking to builders to provide them with innovative, energy-saving solutions.
“That’s why we’re here to offer builders innovative programs and services that can help the homeowners save energy and money.”
One example is the Enbridge Drain Water Heat Recovery (DWHR) program.
“Forward-thinking home builders are equipping homeowners with a DWHR unit, which is an increasingly popular cutting-edge technology that helps reduce hot water waste,” explained Bertuzzi. “Valued at over $600, installing a DWHR unit will help new homeowners save on water heating costs. The unit is easy to install, maintenance-free, cost effective and proven and practical.”
Most recently, Enbridge has been introducing a new Savings by Design program, for both commercial and residential sectors; an initiative geared to more than routine energy efficiency.
“The objective is to achieve 25 per cent greater energy savings than current Ontario Building Code standards through an integrated design process,” Bertuzzi says. “We target not only energy savings but also the environmental impact.”

Its Integrated Design Process (IDP) involves the building owners and their design team working together at the outset of the building’s design phase, to identify the optimal mix of design elements and technologies to maximize environmental performance.

Before any design iteration is finalized, Enbridge will enlist energy modeling experts to estimate the potential natural gas and electricity savings.

“Maximizing the energy efficiency of your new buildings starts with the design,” says Harinck. “That’s where Enbridge comes in. We developed the Savings by Design program to help commercial builders and design and construct high performance buildings – without sacrificing style, service or comfort. Better for the environment. Better overall performance. Better for their bottom line.”
Subject to specified conditions, financial and performance incentives for the construction process will be available for participants in the Savings by Design program.
In the commercial area, there can be incentives and support for the three primary stages of the construction process.

“We will work with builders during the design, development and commissioning of the building, to help ensure the project meets its energy performance targets,” Harinck say.

In the residential area, there can be incentives for the two primary stages of the construction process.
“We will work with you during the design and development of your new homes,” says Bertuzzi. “And, like the commercial program, we help ensure your project also meets the energy performance standards.

“Savings by Design provides an opportunity for the developer/builder to obtain expert information and to explore options that are simple and profitable to their bottom line.”
And there are many qualified “women in green” waiting in the wings at Enbridge to help make that happen.


James Law Cybertecture

Sustainable Technosphere In Dubai’s Technopark

Concept Overview

The concept of this iconic building for the Technopark of Dubai, is a building which will reflect

the state of Planet Earth in the current and future times. Planet Earth embodies the very

essence of the ecosystem that we live in. This concept takes the planet’s ecosystem and

interprets it as a Cybertecture building that mimics the forces of nature to produce a building

that is wonder for people to visit, live and work in, and be a symbol of the power of Technology.

Technosphere, the globe-shaped winner of the CNBC Architectural Award Dubai 2009, is designed by famous architect James Law from James Law Cybertecture. He is well-known for his work in ‘Cybertecture‘, which is a combination of advanced technologies, architecture, and multimedia experiences for users.

“Cybertecture attempts to innovate green buildings with the philosophy that a green building is not just green or a building, but much more; it is a comprehensive device that carries new technologies and possibilities of a better life within the building for its inhabitants,” says James Law, chairman and chief cybertect of James Law Cybertecture International in Hong Kong. “This requires the use of materials that go beyond the concrete, steel and glass, and into the new materials of the silicon chip, the electrons, the internet, and the intelligence of systems to be amalgamated seamlessly into the fabric of the building,” he says in an article published in Green Prospect Asia magazine.

The Technosphere has several key technology systems and architectural spaces that will

enable the building to generate a self breathing environment as well as generate electricity

from solar power to supplement the energy needs of the building. An intelligently distributed

array of sky gardens for offices and hotel not only gives a outdoor terrace advantage to the

occupants but also provide passive solar shielding from the sun as well as natural green

plantations to contribute oxygen to the environment in a sustainable way. Other systems such

as water recycling minimizes the use and wastages of water in this vast building.

The Technosphere sits on the axis of the new city plan of Technopark , creating a symbolic

termination of the axis as if its location is the genesis of the city. From this point, the city seems

to grow, and deliberately, the Techosphere is awesome in its presence as the nucleus of the


The iconic nature of the shape of the Technosphere comes from three factors. The first is it’s

purity of form in the shape of a sphere lends a elegant yet magnificent presence to the building

on the horizon. The second is its enormous size, which will make it the largest sphere building

in the world, that will give it an omnipresence beyond any pure forms of architecture. The third

being that the nature of a sphere alludes to the even smallest elements of our world, the atomic

particles and molecules that binds our universe. In this the Technosphere is the symbol of how

man has become technologists with the ability to create and building with science and

technology at all scales for the better world. The area of Technosphere is 360,000 sq.mtrs. The built-up are will be nearly 10,000,000 sq.ft.


This pioneering new development explores sustainable technologies and the planning principals to create a desert community that will be carbon neutral. Several systems will enable the building to generate its own solar powered energy, while strategically placed green terraces will provide passive solar shielding, even water will be recycled minimizing waste produced in the building. Technosphere will be a centre for the development of new ideas for energy production in the region and attract the highest levels of international expertise and commerce.

Techno Park offers a benchmark for the energy saving city of the future. Its environmental ambitions of are not only unrivalled internationally, they have also provided a highly challenging design brief. A mixed used, high rise, high-density design for Dubai city, the programme includes offices, residential space, a hotel, an exhibition hall and public courtyards.

Structure Concept

The principal structural system of the Technosphere is comprised of a spherical shape exterior diagrid structure, the podium base portal with perimeter raking columns as well as other internal major components including the steel roof trusses at top, RC core walls and shear walls, beam/column frames at typical floors and transfer beam grillage at 5/F. The internal structure is mainly of reinforced concrete with steel portion along the perimeter bays of typical floors. Podium floors are also of reinforced concrete with prestressed construction for long span portions.

The exterior diagrid forms part of the stability frame and the load-taking system of the Technosphere.  The diagrid interacts with the beam/column frames at typical floors, the core walls via the transfer system at 5/F and the podium base portal to provide the overall stability of the building. The exterior diagrid also contributes to the gravity load-taking of the building with the loads accumulated from floor to floor and transferred downward to the foundation system.

Due to the curvature of the towers, there is an overhanging portion at upper floors extending towards the central atrium. This overhanging portion is to be supported by a hanger system with the principal support from the roof trusses, which are integrated with the exterior diagrid towards the top of the sphere. One of the options is to have steel hangers taking the load from the overhanging upper floors and transferring the load upward to a series of steel roof trusses and the loads from the roof trusses are then distributed throughout the exterior diagrid, which carries the loads down to foundation.

Façade Concept

The Technosphere mainly consists of two main systems, one is a semi unitized system at the typical hotel / office (south / north wings) towers, and another is the point fixing spider system at the atrium area

Typical office / hotel area – Semi unitized system at South & North Wings

Consists of high performance laminated IGU with combination of low-E, frit & tinted to achieve high energy saving and acoustic performance.

Since some glasses are over headed at an angle of more the 15o, the laminated glass worked as a safety glass, so in case of any glass breakage the PVB layer will still hold the broken pieces together.

The glazing is pre-glazed at the factory onto an alum framing and delivered to site in a panel form, hence site work is minimize, the semi unitized panel is then fixed on to the main diagrid on site.

Thermal break system was used to give better thermal performance and to meet local requirement from “Dubai Municipality Legal Affairs Department”.

Atrium area – Spider system on GMS CHS

Consists of clear glass with tinted / fritted pattern, held together by stainless steel spider, since no alum frame is needed a more clear and transparent view of the atrium can be achieved.

The laminated glass can be fritted or tinted to give better energy performance.

Steel CHS is used as a sub-frame between the main diagrid.

Environmental Concept

High performance glazing, energy-efficient equipment and the use of regional materials are just a few of the other method employed to reach the LEED Gold rating. GB




Mumbai’s Cybertecture Egg

“In the 21st Century, buildings will be different from 20th Century”, say James Law Cybertecture International, “They are no longer about concrete, steel and glass, but also the new intangible materials of technology, multimedia, intelligence and interactivity. Only recognizing this will bring a new form of architecture to light, namely a Cybertecture.”

This enlightment gives rise to a new form of architecture – “Cybertecture”. The Cybertecture Egg is a Cybertecture building that brings together iconic architecture, environmental design, intelligent control systems, and evolutionary engineering to create the most innovative building for the city of Mumbai and for India in the 21st Century. The concept for the Cybertecture Egg was inspired by looking at the world in terms of the planet being a self-sustaining vessel with an ecosystem that allows life to exist, grow and evolve. Like our planet Earth, the building has a sustainable ecosystem derived from Cybertecture thinking to give the building’s inhabitants both a dynamic physical world and access to virtual spaces of the connected world. As with Earth, the form of the Cybertecture Egg is extruded from a sphere and evolved to create a unique and iconic building, which serves as a beacon and nucleus for the immediate central business district area known as Bandra Kurla Complex. The scheme comprises 33,000 square meters of office space stacked in 13 stories with highly intelligent building management systems and 3 levels of basement providing 400 car parking spaces. The structure of the Cybertecture Egg uses a diagrid exo-skeleton, which creates a rigid structural system allowing for large column-free floor plates and high space flexibility. The ingenuity of this form effectively reduces approximately 15% of construction material use compared to a conventional orthogonal building. This building have an ecosystem of environmental technologies that makes the project one of the most sustainably advanced designs in the world.

The building’s design attempts to decrease energy demands through passive solar design, the construction of an elevated garden to help cool the building (through a process called thermolysis) and the implementation of photovoltaic panels and wind turbines on the roof.

Even water conservation is taken care of with the incorporation of a water filtration system that recycles grey water for irrigation purposes.

Green Features

• Orientation of Building: The building is orientated towards the ideal direction vis-a-vis the sun to minimize solar and heat gain.

• Sky Gardens: Green areas of the building provide sun shading, oxygen replenishment, refuge areas for people as well as cooling for building and wetland filter beds for water recycling.

• PV Farms: Photovoltaic cells are integrated into the façade facing the sun to help provide an alternative electricity source.

• Intelligent Glass Façade: The building’s glazing has

variable fritting and tones based on sun orientation, as well as variable shading and tinting.

• Water Recycling System: The recycling of potable water is done through a combination of rain water harvesting systems, sewerage treatment and filtration, and wetland cell systems. These effectively recycle up to 20% of the water supply consumption of the building.

• Underground Water Cooling: Related to the water recycling system, the underground cooling system embedded deep underground in a reservoir provide naturally chilled water for the building’s air conditioning.

• Intelligent Building Management Systems: BMS to reduce energy use in less utilized or less occupied locations.

Within the building, there will be a series of innovative systems such as ‘cybertecture health’ which is designed to keep track of the inhabitant’s health including blood pressure and weight. The Egg is electronically monitoring workers’ health: vital signs and statistics such as blood pressure are accessible to workers electronically in restrooms, and the stats can be signaled to doctors if deemed necessary.

Maybe a touch invasive, but it seems like the architects have their hearts in the right place when it comes to looking out for the office workers.

Technology and the working environment are united in the use of ‘cybertecture reality’ which allows you to customize your favorite view and have real time scenery all around the world instead of the view the user currently has.

Courtesy of James Law Cybertecture




Introduction of Solar Liquid Power (SLP) as a Coating or Paint


In 2006, a private group of scientists, poured their own funds and the funds of a private investor, into designing a highly specialized mix of inorganic and organic chemistry, physics, nanotechnology, and material sciences into a single integrated science (SLP) to arrive at the latest renewable energy entrant to meet true energy efficiency and performance. “Solar Liquid Power” produced as a liquid electricity producing coating. This technology advancement and its growth may very well become the final solution to using Solar as a renewable energy source! The building and architecture industry as well as other applications will benefit. The longevity, high performance and complete flexibility of Solar Liquid Power allows building materials to be pre-coated for easy installation, thus advancing new architectural design possibilities. Also because it’s a coating, it can arrive clear or colored. Then finally, it can be imbedded into fabric and onto windows all for one single purpose…to produce a constant source of renewable solar energy without the restrictions of physical panels or films!

Exploration of Materiality in Design

Energy performance within design aesthetics is the key to successfully marketing and building skins. There appears to be an infinite number of choices before one can contemplate an intelligent approach to this decision. It is not just an aesthetic process by any means.  Current energy modeling may have justified the type and integration of ventilation systems, and also helped determine the glass coatings for greater transparency, thermal conditions and the control of usable end user lighting as well, but the bottom line in the overall sale is lowering operating costs.

Inefficiency is not a popular expectation!

Thus materiality, in concert with engineering and modeling aspects, have become the new “architectural” approach to high efficiency design. Certainly a newly available revolutionary science and technology advance would be perceived as “required” as long as it cuts your energy bill, remains low maintenance and lasts for many years of service.

Thus Solar Power in the form of an incorporable liquid such as a coating can alter the entire landscape of building skins and other applications. Such an innovation inclusion provides the greatest flexibility to the engineering and architectural aspects of any structure. This quest for usable advances in renewable design and materials across a large scale is what SUNTCO undertook to explore and discover. Solar Liquid Power invention is a discovery that will clearly revolutionize how an energy solution is designed to solve our future energy needs. Designed by visionary scientists, engineered to be architected in our living, playing and our work structures.

External facades of any building structure are more than a protective skin regulating temperature and light. They now determine a building’s very appearance and status within the planned environment. Building Skins thereby focus on wide-ranging aspects of facade design, from the selection and use of materials to the inclusion of advanced technical possibilities, like solar liquid power, now available to the architect.

Entrants like, Solar Liquid Power, allow for endless considerations to advance the use of renewable energy aspects, in this case SOLAR, while incorporating and integrating this science and technology into highly efficient designs.

Materiality in design will now consider the extraordinary advances in science and technology taken these past 10 years, quantum leaps in our ability to harness the power of renewable energy sources from Solar, Wind and Water.

Advancements in Solar Sciences

Solar is one of the most environmentally friendly sources of electricity!  It does not produce any harmful emissions, and the Sun provides an essentially inexhaustible source of energy. However, the materials for traditional solar panels are expensive. As technology has improved, the efficiency of solar cells has gone up and manufacturing costs have come down, but the cost of producing electricity from solar energy remains relatively high compared to conventional sources. Significant leaps in Sun Science and technology, advanced by a few around the world, have discovered new solar technologies which can sustain the demands of new environmentally friendly building structures. One such advancement is solar power in a liquid form from Suntco, as an external paint and/or coating material or integrated into original building materials and skins.


Solar Liquid Power (SLP) is a revolutionary “panel-less” two part coating derived from a combination of inorganic/organic chemistry, electrochemical and nanotechnology at a very small scale (3 to 1200 nano-meters) to birth particles that convert sunlight to electricity in new and highly efficient ways (over 40%). As a liquid coating, it adsorbs more light from all directions across a longer time thus promoting more power for longer times, exceeding current historical panel type specs.


Solar Liquid Power comprises over 22 chemical and electro-chemical residual elements (organic and inorganic) to produce a 2 part physical liquid application across a 4 part logical structure as shown.


SLP is applied or embedded in building materials as paint or a clear coating (windows). Its properties are similar to typical latex paint. The base coat is a sprayed on liquid lipid diode (LLD) which capture and transmit the charged electron particles. The topcoat is also a sprayed on energy-adsorbing layer. Once these two dry and bond, you have a full solar power matrix from all angles collecting and providing highly efficient precious energy.


Solar energy is free, abundant, and inexhaustible. The total amount of energy irradiated from the sun to the earth’s surface is enough to provide more than 10,000 times the annual global electricity needs. By reasonably relying on Solar Liquid Power or its variations, this new advanced technology is positioned to add substantial value to the green and clean ecosystem responses for many years to come. Moreover production of this technology solution (in different forms) can be rapidly scaled, while engendering a substantial reduction in expenditure compared to traditional technologies. Surveys conducted over the last 10 years have clearly displayed that satisfaction in building architecture and engineering, substantially comes first from overall building design, then air quality, thermal comfort and lighting (representing 75%)! Thereafter acoustic quality, office/ living quarters layout, cleanliness and maintenance (representing 25%).

Renewable energy solutions (like Solar Liquid Power) inclusion have a dramatic effect on not only servicing over 75% of the primary needs of the structure, but of providing the client, true savings and efficiencies which can be displayed, metered and managed. This is the bottom line expected use of renewable power solutions. Now apparent with more possibilities because it can be applied or imbedded as a liquid!


Wind, Water and Sunlight…these natural and abundantly available natural elements are the engines that drive and will drive a sustainable direction for our energy needs now and into the future. While there are other options, like coal with carbon arrest, ethanol, natural gas, oil and nuclear power, they remain the most costly and poorest power solutions to build, control costs and maintain. Wind, Water and Sunlight are the cleanest and most cost effective means to solving more than just power issues. “A focused approach to solar technology solutions for building and architecture has been taken as a total immersion in this area.  The result is highly efficient and cost effective electricity producing coating or paint from the Sun that can be applied directly or imbedded in original manufacturers’ materials. With this element alone, future designs and architecture can bring about unprecedented visions and changes to how we live, play and work”.  Douglas Linman, Chief Executive of Suntco


The building and architectural industries will be positively affected by new renewable energy advances, such as solar liquid power (SLP).  Power utilities firms may also benefit greatly by considering conservation and storage services for excess capacity provided back to the utility companies from these SLP coatings. Credits and Tax breaks with SLP will also provide great incentives to reduce ROI to less than 3 years versus the nearly 20 years for current solar panel installations.

Welcome to SUNTCO, and welcome to the change in renewable energy.


Contact for continuing information or visit www.

The Crystal

A Landmark Global Urban Sustainability Centre

The Crystal has been designed to be one of the most sustainable buildings in the world. It is aiming
for top scores of the most stringent environmental international standards for sustainable design and
construction LEED and BREEAM.

The Crystal – a landmark global urban sustainability centre – had opened to the public in London ion
September 29th, 2012. The iconic new centre is a sustainable cities initiative by Siemens, a global powerhouse
in electronics and electrical engineering. It will explore how sustainable technologies can shape a better
future for our cities.
The £30 million building in London’s Docklands will create up to 50 local jobs and contain a free public
exhibition, conference facilities, research space and as well as a restaurant, café and shop. As a flagship
global hub for excellence and learning in urban sustainability, it will bring together mayors, city
decisionmakers, urban planners, architects, engineers, policy makers and sustainability experts from
around the world.

The centrepiece of the Crystal will be a ground-breaking interactive public exhibition and visitor attraction,
attracting around 100,000 visitors per year. The free public exhibition showcases global best practice in
urban planning and design and shows how innovative urban technologies are already improving people’s
lives today and will revolutionize the way we live and work in our cities tomorrow.
The Crystal will also host a debate forum, including a state-of-the-art conference centre seating up to 270
delegates. It will allow mayors, city planners and officials, members of the local community and educational
groups, from school children to post graduate level students, to become part of the exciting and urgent
conversation about our urban future. It will contain office space for over 100 desks for infrastructure
experts, research partners, planners and academics from around the world.
The building itself will be an eye-catching new landmark for London’s Royal Docks at the epicentre of the
Green Enterprise District. It will cover an area of just under 2000m2 in two dramatic, crystal-shaped
sections. The building will represent a new benchmark in sustainable design and construction excellence
through intelligent integration of the building’s structure, fabric and services and a series of coordinated
active systems working together.

Designed as an ‘all electric’ building, the Crystal will be able to operate free of fossil fuels. It will aim to
achieve top scores against some of the world’s most stringent international standards for sustainable
design and construction, including LEED and BREEAM, and making it one of the world’s most sustainable
city buildings.
Just as London’s Crystal Palace pioneered new technologies that drove the Industrial Revolution, the
Crystal will explore a new clean industrial revolution. It will showcase ‘real world’ examples of sustainable
innovation and urban planning that will ensure our cities are resilient in the face of challenges like climate
change and rapid urbanisation and can remain key drivers of our future prosperity.
Siemens is committed to excellence and innovation and hopes that the Crystal will inspire a new wave of
education and learning in the fields of science, engineering, technology and sustainability – not just in
London, but around the world.


Designed as an ‘all electric’ building, it demonstrates innovative technologies using solar power and ground
source heat pumps to generate its own energy – which means that no fossil fuels are burnt in the building. It
also stores electrical energy in a battery. The Crystal showcases existing technologies that support sustainable
urban living and profiles Siemens’ Environmental Portfolio – the largest and most comprehensive in the world.

The building also incorporates rainwater harvesting where the rainwater will be converted to potable water, black
water treatment, solar heating and an innovative building management system that automates and manages energy,
building operations and infrastructure for greater efficiency and comfort. The design of the building, including its glass
opacity, provides additional insulation and takes energy efficiency to a new level.
It also features charging station of electric cars and will be part of the Source London charging network.

1. State of the Art Building Management
2. Extensive Use of Natural Light
3. Low Energy Mixed Mode Ventilation
4. Intelligent All Electric Building
5. Rainwater Harvesting and Recycling
6. Black Water Recycling
7. Heating Designed for Maximum Efficiency
8. Multifaceted and Sustainable Landscaping

1. State of the Art Building Management
The Crystal implements an integrated, state of the art building management system where everything can be
managed from one or many locations. Total integration means the building can be managed by one man or
remotely from anywhere in the world. The building can be controlled from the smallest light fitting for comfort or to
match the requirements of the National Grid when Energy use is critical. Features include intelligent analytics (CCTV),
advanced fire sensors, occupancy detection and comfort sensors. During off peak time the smart node technology i
the building stores electricity in a battery and uses it during peak times. Total room control enables the space to be
adjusted for maximum comfort (heat, light, ventilation) plus minimum energy consumption.

2. Extensive Use of Natural Light
There is extensive use of natural light throughout the architecture and the exhibition. Natural daylight is utilized
wherever possible and features include constant light control with automatic adjustment of each and every lamp
and LED for brightness and colour, according to time of day and occupancy detection. For the majority of spaces,
artificial light during the day is not required and when it is, there is no waste. Glazing is placed strategically for
maximum daylight and minimum unwanted solar gain.
3. Low Energy Mixed Mode Ventilation
The building operates with a low energy, intelligent mixed mode ventilation strategy. Where seasonally possible, it
will be naturally ventilated in both the office and exhibition crystals, using motorized opening vents in the facades
and roofs. The building management system maximizes free cooling, avoiding the use of air conditioning where
possible. The air conditioning cooling is primarily taken from the surrounds via the ground source heat pump.
During hot days, it takes the heat from the building and puts it back into the ground keeping the building cool and
returning the energy to the ground for reuse later. During cold days it takes heat from the ground and puts it into the
building to keep it warm.
4. Intelligent All Electric Building
A significant part of the electrical power produced in this all electric building will be generated by Photovoltaic
roof panels, which collect the sun’s energy producing electricity converted with Siemens Inverters to match the
building needs. An intelligent Energy Centre manages heat recovery and the sun’s energy will also be used to heat the
water used in the restaurants and WC’s using solar thermal panels. Energy in the Crystal is monitored so extensively
that every kW of electricity used for heat and cooling and every litre of water consumed/generated can be measured
from inside the building and compared with performance of other buildings across the world to ensure that efficiencies
are maintained. Battery storage balances load and demand to intelligently control when power is taken from the grid
or exported any surplus. E-car charging stations extend that efficiency to Electric Vehicles for maximum mileage at
minimum cost.
5. Rainwater Harvesting and Recycling
Rainwater will be harvested and treated for use as drinking water. The Crystal will utilize water efficient appliances,
low use taps and sanitary fittings. A connection to the city’s water system ensures a sufficient supply in dry seasons.
6. Black Water Recycling
A black water recycling plant will reuse 100% of the water used in the building (including toilet flushing) to re-flush
the toilets and for watering the landscaping around the building. Smart irrigation detects moisture in the soil to
minimise water needs. Water used for irrigation will be replenished with surplus water from the rainwater tank.
7. Heating Designed for Maximum Efficiency
Ground source heat pump provides 100% of the heat used to warm the building and condition the fresh air. Heat
is pumped from the ground to the building on cold days (heating season) and from the building to the ground on
hot days (cooling season). External glazing and insulated roofing also keeps heat in during winter and heat out
during summer. The glass is angled away from the sun in some areas to shade the building where suns heat is not
wanted, and towards the sun in other areas where we want to use the sun for heating the building.
8. Multifaceted and Sustainable Landscaping
Landscaping at the Crystal is multifaceted. An ecological corridor or linear strip of vegetation provides a strong
buffer along the viaduct of the adjacent Silver Town Way.
Plant and tree species have been selected to withstand more drought tolerant conditions typical of many urban
environments reducing the amount of water required for maintenance. A Community Garden will provide a series of
gardens to promote community involvement for cultivation and education. Even paving and tarmac materials have
been chosen to reduce street light energy use. Finally, the Centre uses a sustainable urban drainage system that
minimizes discharge into the sewer and prevents excess run off to the adjacent dock.

“Siemens is establishing the Crystal in order to help find solutions for making the world’s cities more
sustainable. It will serve as a centre for dialogue, learning and discovery.”
ROLAND BUSCH, CEO, Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Siemens AG

Sarah Hall Studio

Sarah Hall:  Stained Glass & Solar Projects

The Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto conducts bus tours and walking tours of nearby art and architecture. One of these easily outsells all the others, a bus adventure dedicated to stained glass windows and architecture. You might expect the tour’s destinations to be traditional stained glass in churches and cathedrals. In fact, the bus just as often stops at contemporary new buildings with stained glass designs by Sarah Hall. Sometimes the special guest tour narrator on the bus is also Sarah Hall. You may ask what’s new in stained glass? The answer is that there is plenty that’s new, especially if it involves Sarah Hall.

Hall became interested in stained glass at a young age and discovered that it is a very small world, especially in Canada. In order to find in-depth training in the field she journeyed to Swansea College of Art in Wales. She returned and established a studio on Dupont Street in Toronto in 1980, where she and her craftspeople worked for two decades, introducing new ideas in a conservative field. She was interested in combining new building technologies with stained glass.


German Engineering

Around the turn of the century she became involved in projects that required her to relocate her fabrication studio to Paderborn near Hanover, Germany. In Germany she could access a larger pool of glass artisans and large size kilns for the ideas she was hatching. In addition, the stained glass industry in Germany has connections with the broader glass industry, allowing for ambitious product development. New ideas include stained glass windows that could be sent to Austria and tempered, as in safety glass; new kinds of glass that could combine art with heat mirror technology, as in R20 insulated office tower windows; and last but not least, stained glass projects that incorporate solar photovoltaics.

Christof Erban is a renowned German engineer who pioneered the concept of placing a solar PV cell between two layers of glass. Many years ago he visited glass painting studios in Germany looking for artists who were interested in working with photovoltaics. While others focused on the challenges, Hall jumped at the chance. The rest is history. Hall’s studio is now at the forefront of contemporary stained glass architecture.  Since moving the studio abroad, her Canadian/German team has been involved in more than 200 projects.


Harbourfront Waterglass Project

Sarah has recently completed a project called Waterglass at Harbourfront Centre’s Enwave Theatre, which is expected to open to the public in Spring. The glass is highly artistic, incorporates heat mirror technology, employs NASA’s dichroic glass technique (sandblasted on its back side and laminated so that it is transparent but also highly reflective of UV rays) and on the western exposure, as directed by engineers, includes photovoltaics to capture solar energy.


Her team of six technicians created 1700 square feet of a handmade art glass in just three months. It was crafted in the German studio, sent to Austria for heat mirror and photovoltaic laminations and arrived in Toronto ready to install in thermo-panel units.


In addition to being a technical marvel, the installation is an artistic and historic gem.

“The client wanted to symbolically reclaim the lake for Torontonians,” says Hall. “We are cut off in a lot of ways and have not built the lake into our thinking as a city.” At first glance visitors will see water, waves, and the silhouette of a ship. On closer inspection they will find much more.


Hall researched and photographed the lake’s north shore for months and then began researching images of people, locations and events. The windows contain hundreds of silk-screened archival illustrations of personalities such as swimmer Marilyn Bell, rower Ned Hanlan, structures like the art deco Sunnyside Swimming Pool Pavilion, and R.C. Harris Water Filtration Plant; events including the war of 1812, pandemics, celebrations, political events and families simply enjoying the lake. “The research experience was very instructive,” says Hall. “Much of our waterfront is privatized or otherwise inaccessible. We need to open up the lake to our consciousness, in order to care more about it.”

Wind Tower at UBC

Hall’s team also created beautiful glass for a wind tower or wind catcher at the University of British Columbia. Wind catchers are traditional Persian architectural elements used to generate natural ventilation in buildings. Hall’s stained glass is the central element of a wind tower that completed an underground library at the university’s Regent College. The forty-foot tall wind tower provides ventilation for the library and is a functional symbol of Regent’s commitment to renewable energy. Hall created a luminous column of light, flowing like a waterfall in silvery blue, violet and white. Included in this column is an array of solar cells that collect energy during the day and use it for nighttime illumination – acting as a beacon for the surrounding park.


A similar concept was used for the Grass Valley School in Washington. The architect was interested in a sustainable initiative and felt that not enough educational value would result from simply adding solar panels to the roof. Hall created a beautiful artistic glass window for the main stairwell that included PV cells. These were connected directly without inverter or batteries, to a large LED lighting fixture in the main hall. Students soon saw that the fixture was powered only by the sun, glowing brighter and longer on the sunniest days.


High Potential New Solar Cladding

Perhaps the most exciting concept that Hall’s team is working on is a brand new type of solar glass cladding for retail stores and office buildings. Her other projects involving solar have been primarily symbolic or educational, rather than highly efficient in terms of electricity generation. The new product, being developed in partnership with a prominent Toronto architect, aims to change that and collect significant amounts of energy. At the same time it will create artistic canvasses of larger expanses, or entire exteriors of shops or towers, according to client preferences.


Subject matter will range from highly artistic to commercial in nature, all rendered beautifully in contemporary glass by a very leading edge artist named Sarah Hall.



See more solar projects at


Barbara Lawlor – Baker Real Estate

Condominiums meet the needs of today’s bottom-line customer

For Barbara Lawlor, President of Toronto’s Baker Real Estate, the concept of embracing “green” has seen a boom to her business. In fact, the entire condominium industry has developed a consciousness about energy efficiency and green sustainability.

The industry has created an environment that is environmentally responsible, and it has become a key design element in condominiums buildings. Condo ownership has never seen better days.

“In the last three years condominium sales have outpaced low-rise and have taken over 50% of the market – so as a lifestyle choice, it continues to grow, and part of that is the government mandate for vertical growth,” explains Lawlor.  “Let’s face it, there just isn’t enough land within the GTA to meet the low-rise demand, so the best use of space is vertical, and condominiums are becoming more popular. Even young families are venturing into condos because of their convenience, location, transit etc.  And let’s not forget those in transition, like empty nesters and young professionals, who don’t want to deal with upkeep. People lead very busy lives, so the more they can have their needs catered to, the better. In fact, most condo buildings today are like coming home to a luxury hotel, with all the amenities offered under your roof.”

However, the driving force at the end of the day is the bottom line. Educated homeowners have demanded the building industry include energy efficiencies.

“People are afraid of costs escalating. So energy efficiency is part of their checklist.  For example, they really appreciate something like individual metering systems. Whatever will make the buildings more efficient and help defray costs, that’s the key for everybody – what’s it going to cost me?”

Ten years ago, energy efficiency and sustainable living may have been a part of the conversation but the uptake was slow. It wasn’t something that translated across the industry as a whole. “But the industry has stood up and deserves a round of applause in my mind for the tremendous efforts and strides it has made,”says Lawlor. “For instance, we represent the residences of the Ritz Carlton, and they have the Enwave deep water cooling system, which is very innovative and taps into the deep waters of Lake Ontario to heat and cool the building. So there are some very exciting things happening in the city including car sharing, bicycle storage — all of this to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions. In fact we’re selling fewer and fewer parking spaces.”

In Lawlor’s mind, it’s not about green-washing today’s consumer. There has to be a solid green story regardless of where you’re building or what you’re building.

“Buyers are sophisticated, and they want to know that their building is going to be sustainable and function efficiently 10-20 years from now- not just today.”

Baker Real Estate Incorporated