Monthly Archives: October 2014


Should all skyscrapers have the same language? Should they always be cladded in glass? Studio CACHOUA TORRES CAMILLETTI started out by trying to envision what a skyscraper should be in the future....

The ultimate in luxury

Man-made floating Orsos Island combines the mobility of a yacht with the comfort of a mainland home By GREG McMILLAN It’s not a stretch to admit that, at one time or another,....

BRE Innovation Park at The Living City Campus – a showcase for innovation in urban sustainability

By Glenn MacMillan Set among protected forests, fields, rivers and wetlands, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s (TRCA) The Living City Campus at Kortright is a centre of excellence for urban sustainability,....

As promised

Projections for building’s energy performance from Ledcor Renew retrofit right on the mark By Greg McMillan Ledcor Renew probably went out on a limb when providing both construction and energy performance guarantees....

The Transformer

Louie Santaguida makes it his business to take building development to another level Luigi (Louie) Santaguida was looking at alternative building techniques and technologies long before his contemporaries.
So it comes as....

A major plus

MADY goes far beyond the green norm as one of Canada’s premier real estate and construction companies Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when people talk about green....

Phoenix Towers

chetwoods® architects The world’s tallest and super environmentally friendly structure to be built China At 1km high, Phoenix Towers for HuaYan Group in Wuhan, The City of a Thousand Lakes, will be....

Hands across the water

From the Netherlands to Canada, Parallel 52° reaches out to the sustainable building sector By Greg McMIllan Parallel 52° takes the art of networking to a whole new level. Concentrating on collaboration....

DuPont launches revolutionary house wrap exclusively at The Home Depot

DuPont Building Innovations is launching DuPont™ Tyvek® ThermaWrap™ R5.0 in Canada, a revolutionary new exterior insulation product for the construction of energy efficient homes. DuPont™ Tyvek® ThermaWrap™ R5.0 is now....

A cultural anchor

Exhibition centre and people’s park in China is shaped like a lotus flower Located in the heart of Wujin, the burgeoning district of the city of Changzhou, in the southern....


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