All posts by Giulio


Building Integrated Photovoltaic


“Solar architecture is not about fashion, it’s about survival”

 Sir Norman Foster

Buildings are responsible for 40% of global energy consumption and the solutions proposed by this company are heading towards a significant reduction of the energy bill. The solutions developed by Onyx Solar replace conventional building materials for smart photovoltaic materials in ventilated façades and roofs, curtain walls, skylights, walkable floors, etc. The idea is to create building envelopes with photovoltaic properties making it possible to generate clean and free energy from the sun and being also an aesthetic and viable solution.

About Onyx Solar

The solutions developed by Onyx Solar combine active and passive elements. Among the first ones, the in-situ electricity generation is the most important because it can be used for self-consumption or sold to the grid at a previously established price generating significant revenues. Passive elements are related to the design of the building to improve energy efficiency, increasing the insulation and reducing the energy needs of the construction.

The cheapest energy is the energy that is not consumed, therefore is why Onyx offers multifunctional photovoltaic constructive solutions which can be integrated perfectly into any type of building, provide greater both acoustic and thermal insulation and at the same time produce clean, free energy in situ, all thanks to the power of the sun.

Those solutions make the photovoltaic constructive material developed by Onyx the only one allowing the customer to recover the money invested on its acquisition and installation after a certain period of time, providing an outstanding pay-back time. Moreover, integrating photovoltaic into the building you guarantee yourself that the energy price will remain unchanged for the next 30 years, something vital considering the current trend of increasing prices.


Onyx Solar is a business committed to the development of intelligent, multifunctional constructive solutions for the sustainable integration of solar energy photovoltaic in buildings.

Photovoltaic ventilated Facade


Contemporary architecture is showing an increasing interest in the different materials available for use in ventilated façades and roofs.

Inspired by this rise in interest, Onyx Solar has designed a photovoltaic ventilated façade and roof system, a product with undeniable aesthetic value and unbeatable in terms of heat insulation that generates free electricity from the sun.

The generated electricity can be translated directly to the main supply system, thus being marketed to the large suppliers, or be used for personal consumption (isolated system).

The thermal surrounding methods can result in a 25-40% reduction of the energy consumed by a building.

Depending upon the orientation of the façade, building location, and the photovoltaic technology implemented, the electricity produced by Onyx’s system in just one square metre can vary between 20-40 kW/h per annum; sufficient energy to supply up to 10,000 hours of light from 20W energy saving light bulbs.

In addition to the obvious environmental benefits, in countries where the sale of electricity is regulated and incentive based, through an obligatory subsidy from the electrical companies, one metre squared of ventilated roof can generate a net benefit in its lifetime (25 years) of more than 1000 Euros.

From a financial point of view, depending upon the type of building and its location,ventilated façades and roofs can achieve an Internal Return Rate (IRR) greater than 25% and an outstanding payback time.

Ten Key Advantages of the Ventilated Photovoltaic Facade

  1. Electricity production
  2. Energy saving due to insulation properties (up to 40%)
  3. Greater insulation performance
  4. Elimination of thermal bridges
  5. Thermal inner comfort
  6. Reduction of acoustic pollution
  7. Wall and roof protection
  8. Greater energy yield under low irradiation conditions
  9. Greater energy yield under high temperature conditions

10.    Attractive and innovative design


Photovoltaic Skylight

The Skylight system ensure an optimized PV electrical generation adding multifunctional passive bioclimatic properties of thermal inner comfort since most of the UV and infrared radiation from the sun will be harvested by the silicon-based material (solar filter effect). Moreover, the air chamber of the insulating glass guarantees best thermal performance in terms of U and g values.


Photovoltaic Curtain Wall

Nowadays architecture and photovoltaic solar energy can be combined to create a new form of construction.

Curtain walls offer architects a multitude of possibilities for the integration of photovoltaic solar energy into buildings in an efficient and ecological manner.

Photovoltaic curtain wall provides a multifunctional solution where not only clean and free energy is being generated in-situ, but also natural illumination is being provided implementing solar control by filtering effect, avoiding infrared and UV irradiation to the interior (enhancing thermal comfort and avoiding interior aging).

The large variety in form, structure and colour of transparent photovoltaic glass, combined with the aluminum frames, provides a free reign of creativity for architects so they can create designs which unite elegance, efficiency and energy saving.


Photovoltaic Canopy

A photovoltaic canopy constitutes a constructive solution which combines energy generation, solar and adverse climatologic conditions protection.

The energy generated by the system can either feed any building within its surroundings or get connected to the grid, leading in any case to an important economic profit.

The top of the photovoltaic canopy is customized for each project according to the preferred aesthetic value appearance and to its integration within the urban characteristics.

Orientation, slope options, sizes or wind loads are some key variables that should be measured accurately in order to get a correct design for the main structure.


Walkable Photovoltaic Roof

The Walkable Photovoltaic Roof, which is still in research and development stage by Onyx Solar and Butech engineers, is made using a solar PV glass laminated over elevated ceramic roof tiles, resulting in a completely walkable surface.

This PV pavement is a really appealing product for architects as it can be integrated in any project and environment without renouncing design and aestheticism.  What’s more, it combines passive elements (avoided CO2 emissions) with active elements (power generation), greatly reducing the building’s environmental impact.

Currently, a backlit walkable photovoltaic roof is under development.


Building Retrofit Using BIPV

Onyx Solar develops multifunctional solutions that combine aesthetic and photovoltaic technology applied in historical buildings, being a cutting edge technology for buildings retrofits.

Photovoltaic technology improves energy conditions of the buildings, making more efficient all those who were not designed under modern patterns of sustainability and energy efficiency.

This contribution respects building’s original aesthetic concept by using “low visual impact solutions” on all these buildings that represent the artistic and cultural heritage of a city.

Retrofit projects of historical buildings that incorporate photovoltaic skylights, benefit from multifunctional solutions that not only generate electricity on site, but also control visible light entrance, reaching thermal inner comfort and harvesting UV and IR radiation.


Onyx Solar has been chosen partner of the European Commission in recognition for the design of the transparent photovoltaic skylight installed in the new San Antón market in Madrid. Onyx Solar has a multidisciplinary team made up of physicists, engineers and architects who design from their Castile and Leon headquarters, photovoltaic materials that are integrated into buildings throughout the world and help to reduce CO2 emissions. In addition to this, it has also been acknowledged as the company with most growth potential in Europe, an award given at the European Entrepreneurship Awards.

The company has offices in New York and Shanghai and has recently received the XXI Entrepreneur Award from La Caixa in the “Emprendes” category.



Boosting the Energy Efficiency of Canadian Homes

By Tim Van Seters, Amir Safa and Dr. Alan Fung

Heat pumps are among the most energy efficient technologies for heating and cooling buildings and providing hot water. They function by moving heat from one place to another. Usually the ground or air acts as the source and sink for heat, and since energy from these sources is free, the only energy needed is the electricity required to operate the heat pump and forced air or hydronics distribution systems.

In recent years, improvements in the operation and efficiency of heat pumps have prompted leaders in the residential construction sector to take a second look at these technologies. The first question, of course, is how well they perform in cold Canadian climates. This was what we set out to understand through a one year monitoring program conducted with researchers from Ryerson University. The heat pumps evaluated were installed in two, comprehensively monitored, semi-detached LEED™ platinum demonstration houses owned and operated by Toronto and Region Conservation at the Living City Campus in Vaughan, Ontario.

Although not identical, the two houses, referred to as House A and House B, have similar floor areas, internal volumes, and levels of insulation. House A has a 10.5 kW (3 ton) high efficiency variable capacity air-to-air source heat pump manufactured by Mitsibushi™. It includes a direct expansion coil air handling unit (AHU) and a multi-speed fan to supply warm and cold air for space heating and cooling. The system is coupled with a mini-boiler, which was not needed over the period of study because the ASHP alone was able to supply sufficient heat, even during cold periods down to -22°C.

The main heating and cooling system in House B is a 13.3 kW high efficiency ground source heat pump (GSHP) manufactured by WaterFurnace™. It is coupled with two 152 m (500 ft) horizontal loops in the yard. The installation uses a buffer tank to store water, which is then distributed to an in-floor radiant heating system during the winter, and through the zoned air handler for cooling the house

Data for the study were collected year round and a energy performance model (TRNSYS) was calibrated to simulate energy performance over the entire heating (October 1 to May 21) and cooling seasons (May 22 to September 30) based on climate normals derived from a 30-year historical record of solar irradiance and temperature.

Results of the evaluation showed the heat pumps to have performed very well with heating and cooling efficiencies above both Energuide and manufacturer rated performance (Table 1). During the heating season, both systems had coefficients of performance (COP) above 3, indicating that the systems provided over 3 kWh of output heat for each kWh of energy consumed. During the cooling season, COPs were 5, and Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratios were well above rated performance levels.

These ratings are based on the performance of the heat pump systems without the forced air and hydronics distribution system specific to each house. Overall ‘as installed’ performance declined dramatically when the electricity consumed by the distribution systems was included in the assessment. As shown in Table 1, cooling season COPs for both systems fell by more than 30%. During the heating season, the ASHP system suffered a more significant decline because the air handling unit used with the ASHP consumed much more electricity than the water pump used with the GHSP.Figure 2

Further investigations showed that the high electricity draw by the distribution systems was caused, in part, by the way in which the units were being operated. Simulating these during the cooling season to operate only when the heat pump and compressors were on caused a reduction in electricity consumption of between 28 and 37%. The difference between ‘stand alone’ and ‘as installed performance’ highlights the importance of understanding the various components that make up the system, including HEPA filters and heat recovery ventilators, and ensuring these are optimally configured to maintain high levels of efficiency and energy performance.

It was surprising that the ASHP performed almost as well as the GHSP given that the ground maintains a much more constant temperature than air. The effect of source temperatures on performance was evident in the COP data. While the GSHP maintained a relatively constant COP of roughly 3 regardless of outdoor temperatures, the COP of the ASHP declined from 4.9 to 1.6 as outdoor temperatures fell from 9 to minus 19˚C during the winter. Below minus 24 ˚C, the ASHP was less efficient than a conventional electric heating system, and a supplementary heat source would be required (Figure 1).

Part of the explanation for the impressive ASHP performance lies in its capacity to vary the speed of the compressor. At temperatures warmer than minus 15˚C, the variable capacity ASHP compressor operated on part load, drawing less than half the electricity (2 – 3 kW) required under full load conditions (6 kW). Only when outdoor temperatures dropped below minus 15˚C did the ASHP compressor switch to full load. Heat pumps that operate on full load only are less efficient because, compared to variable capacity systems, they cycle on and off more, and provide less overall heat output per unit of electricity consumed.

We see this with the GSHP, which only had the capacity to operate at full load, causing the compressor to cycle on and off much more often than the ASHP compressor. During the cooling season test period, for instance, the compressor operated between 1 and 7 hours and cycled on and off up to 25 times a day. Over the same period, the ASHP variable capacity compressor operated between 3 and 11 hours per day and turned on and off only once. This cycling not only reduces energy efficiency, but also wears down the equipment and adversely affects thermal comfort.

Simulations of performance in 5 major cities – Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton and Vancouver -showed that both systems would function well. As expected, however, performance of the ASHP was more sensitive to differences in air temperature. In Montreal and Edmonton, for instance, the ASHP had lower COPs than other cities. These would be further reduced if supplementary heat at the coldest temperatures was included. In Vancouver, the warmer and more even year round temperatures resulted in higher ASHP performance. During the cooling season, the GSHP system slightly outperformed the ASHP in all cities, with COPs ranging between 5.8 and 6.1.

Ultimately, the equipment choice will be largely motivated by cost and energy savings. Based on monitoring data collected in this assessment, the ASHP was found to be more affordable overall. Significant savings are associated with not having to install a ground loop. Also, long term performance of the ASHP is not contingent on ensuring that heating and cooling loads are in balance. If life cycle costs and benefits are considered, the price gap may narrow because the ground loop is a one time cost and the GSHP compressor is subject to fewer mechanical and thermal stresses (since it is indoors) with a longer expected service life. Natural gas furnaces are currently more cost competitive at the residential scale, but as gas prices creep up again, we may see more heat pump systems in city neighbourhoods.

Tim Van Seters manages Toronto and Region Conservation’s Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program. He oversees a team of research scientists and technical experts engaged in scientific evaluations of green energy and clean water technologies. For more Information contact

Amir Safa and Dr. Alan Fung were the lead researchers from Ryerson University’s Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Contact Information:

Table 1: ASHP and GSHP Performance. Manufacturer and Energuide ratings apply to ‘stand alone’ system. The ‘as installed’ system includes the electricity consumed by the AHU and hydronics distribution systems

Manufacturer EnerGuide Stand Alone As Installed Season
Air Source Heat Pump
Seasonal Coefficient of Performance 2.75 2.05 3.2 2.1 Heating
Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio 16 >=14 18 12 Cooling
Seasonal Coefficient of Performance 5.4 3.5 Cooling
Ground Source Heat Pump
Seasonal Coefficient of Performance 3.0 >=3.3 3.4 3.1 Heating
Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio 12.9 >=14.1 20 9 Cooling
Seasonal Coefficient of Performance 5.8 2.7 Cooling

Breaking with tradition

Quantum Geothermal goes the extra mile to provide quality geothermal solutions for homes

By Greg McMillan

Brian Bates of Quantum Geothermal has never been one to walk away from challenges – in fact, he embraces them.

As owner and founder of a southern Ontario company that provides quality geothermal solutions for homes, he takes pride in making sure each system is designed to the specific needs of customers to insure the best value and performance.

“I particularly enjoy working on custom-designed new build residential projects, where unique architecture may require a more sophisticated heating and cooling solution,” says Bates, P. Eng., who graduated from the University of Waterloo with a B.A.Sc. in mechanical engineering. “These more challenging projects are very satisfying. You have a chance to establish a relationship with the architect, builder and clients. It takes months to complete a project but we can really bring value to the outcome.”
Quantum Geothermal, founded in 2009, has a mandate to be a full-service operation, working in all areas of geothermal. By focusing exclusively on residential geothermal projects – both retrofit and new build projects – the company has developed a competitive skill set and highly efficient business model.

“I reach out to architects and builders,” Bates explains. “I host information seminars and visit architectural firms to meet and discuss ways to optimize the integration of geothermal heating and cooling systems into the project at an early stage in the design process.

”This initiative has allowed Quantum to develop some degree of repeat business with participating firms. Residual income or generating repeat business is a problem with our geothermal business model since the life cycle is very long. With residential installations, particularly, there is virtually no maintenance (or spare parts) required.

”By developing relationships with other stakeholders, however, it helps to address this business issue.”

From day one, Quantum has gone that extra mile.

“A friend of mine who is a custom home builder was looking to expand his use of geothermal heating and cooling systems for some of his projects in the west GTA but had become discouraged by the lack of professionalism and quality of service from some of the geothermal contractors he had approached,” recalls Bates. “From there, a process of investigation and due diligence followed, leading to the conclusion that there was a need and an opportunity. He helped me assemble a team of experienced and well-respected partners.

”Next I spoke to all the reputable equipment suppliers in Ontario to determine which brand of heat pumps Quantum would represent. “
He says this led to Quantum’s designation as an authorized dealer for NextEnergy from Elmira, Ontario. Bates noted that NextEnergy represents the ClimateMaster product line manufactured in the United States and is also expanding its commercial presence by offering both ClimateMaster and Viessmann heat pumps.


With hundreds of successful projects completed and an impressive list of satisfied customers, Quantum’s reputation for cost competitive, quality installations continues to grow. In fact, Quantum has recently received a National Award and has been recognized for its growth and professional commitment. Bates says the company takes an intelligent, honest and personalized approach as it continues to grow the business and expand the use of geothermal heating and cooling systems in southern Ontario.


“The retrofit market has always contributed to our bottom line but the pace is different,” Bates explains. “We get the crew onsite to excavate for a day or two (or drill vertically for a few days) and then spend a day down in the basement replacing the old furnace with a new heat pump. Done … then move on.”

The public, Bates says, has been extremely receptive to Quantum’s product, which has a cost- competitive model and offers a quality solution to a variety of client requirements.

“But there is still an urgent need to continue to advocate for this technology,” Bates says.
“Often the first question I get when we receive a new inquiry is ‘how much will it cost?’

“I understand that, but it misses the mark in terms of thought process. That is like phoning up a car dealership and asking ‘what does a car cost?’
“That is why we developed our own Energy Evaluation survey on our website. People need to understand that there is a process involved that is essential to constructing an energy-efficient and cost-effective geothermal heating and cooling system. There is science and guidelines and regulations and knowledge and client-specific information required.
To that end, Quantum can provide builders with a comprehensive report describing its scope of work, so they know exactly what skills and services are in the mix.
Looking ahead, Bates sees more challenges for Quantum and, again, he relishes the opportunity to confront them head on.

“Generating sales is an ongoing challenge for most small businesses and Quantum is no different,” he says. “Marketing, advocating for geothermal and continuing to reach out to architects and builders will be critical to our continued success.
“But particularly in the construction of new homes, I see geothermal being specified right from the concept and design phase with ever-increasing regularity. This is very encouraging and sustains our belief that our efforts are being recognized.”


Web:  HYPERLINK “” \o “This external link will open in a new window” \t “_blank”

A key part of Quantum Geothermal marketing is done through the  HYPERLINK “” company website where there are links to associated government and industry sources. Visitors can also complete Quantum Thermal’s Energy Evaluation survey, or watch a three-minute video for a quick company overview. Geothermal is well-established and will continue to grow as a viable, renewable energy alternative to fossil fuels. Advocacy and education are keys to accelerating the curve.  


LAVA – Snowflake Tower

LAVA – Laboratory for Visionary Architecture
Chris Bosse, Tobias Wallisser, Alexander Rieck
Sydney – Stuttgart – Abu Dhabi – Shanghai
Snowflake Tower
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Europe, Asia, Middle East
Feasibility study/concept design
GFA 106.550 m2; Height 240m (57-storeys)

Formula 1 legend Michael Schumacher presented the design for The
Michael Schumacher World Champion Tower, the first in a series of
seven towers planned worldwide, at Dubai Cityscape in 2008.
Inspired by the geometrical order of a snowflake and the
aerodynamics of a Formula 1 racing car, the tower encapsulates
speed, fluid dynamics, future technology and natural patterns of
organization. Rather than purely mimicking shapes in nature for
their elegance and unpredictability, the architects learned from
nature’s own geometrical orders creating highly efficient structures
and intriguing spaces.
LAVA let the design unfold as a result of the project’s needs:
optimal natural light and air distribution, maximum views, minimal
structure, user comfort and an unrivalled water experience.
The project brings together LAVA’s previous experiences, the
Mercedes-Benz Museum, a brand-owned museum with an
extraordinary spatial concept exploring the latest digital design and
fabrication technologies with the Watercube Beijing, an example of
the highest performance of both the building and the athletes,
creating by a stunning atmosphere developed through the
deliberate morphing of molecular science, architecture and

The organisational principle of a minimal surface allowed the
optimisation the facade/floor area ratio and each apartment in the
59 storey luxury tower has unobstructed ocean views.
The lower levels of the tower, traditionally the most difficult and
least attractive area, were reinterpreted as a series of prestigious
wharf apartments, terraced similar to that of cruise ship decks. By
widening the base, the tower is anchored into its surrounding water
basin similar to the surrounding mangroves and nearby canals. The
top sky villas offer 270-degree views opposite the new cultural
district on Saadyiat Island.
The building features an iconic silhouette and a facade characterised
by vertical slots with private balconies. A series of reflective fins
generates vertical dynamic and gives the building a constantly
changing appearance. The fins track the sun, control the solar
shading and dissolve the rationality of the plan into a continuously
evolving building volume.
The facade’s continuous surface enables curvature with a lot of
repetition and the potential for standardization in the building
process. State-of-the-art engineering and innovative materials will
be used to achieve a fully sustainable performance.
For all the giant leaps in technology in recent years, outdated
modernist high-rise towers continue to dominate our cities. The
branded tower will be their successor redressing the ecological
balance. With intelligent systems and skins, it can react to the
external influences such as air-pressure, temperature, humidity,
solar-radiation and pollution. New materials and technology will be
used to create robust, lightweight structure that adapts to and
harmonizes with its surroundings.
Developed as a prototypical building translating brand values into
an iconic architecture, the series of branded towers will be located
at strategically chosen locations around the world.
The basic development principle will be adjusted to every specific
location generating a mix of local and global values. Collaborations
with renowned furniture manufacturers will contribute to a unique
luxurious environment creating a new type of brand experience.
The unique collaboration with Michael Schumacher gave LAVA new
insights. Technology, precision, speed, elegance are paired with
human intuition and extraordinary performance. Similar to the
Formula 1 operation, construction is a team sport with a lot of
highly skilled experts. In this sense the architects take the driver
seat in the process, taking the project to the physical limits of

The Tower marks a departure from traditional architectural thinking.

Concept: PNYG, Dubai
Architecture: LAVA
with Wenzel+Wenzel, Abu Dhabi

Bionic Tower, Abu Dhabi, UAE

LAVA ‐ Laboratory for Visionary Architecture
Chris Bosse, Tobias Wallisser, Alexander Rieck
Sydney – Stuttgart – Abu Dhabi – Shanghai
Bionic Tower, High Rise Concept
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Client: Confidential
Feasibility Stage
Height: 240 m

The Bionic Tower embodies tomorrow’s architecture.
The Bionic Tower design moves beyond the superseded modernist concept of extruded
footprint and applied curtain wall to create a fully integrated intelligent façade that
harvests its surrounding environment to create maximum energy efficiency and user
Structure and ornament
The Bionic Tower unifies structure, space and architectural expression similar to
naturally occurring systems of organisation.
Learning from nature and advanced computing technology enabled LAVA to conceive
structures of incredible lightness, efficiency and elegance. The intelligence of the
smallest unit results in the intelligence of the overall system.
The intelligence of the overall system

bionic tower111209_LAVA_BT_02_Detail_Facade523x285_300

By parametric modelling of the ‘behavioural logic’ the system has been constantly
optimized throughout the design process to create a ‘whole’ that is greater than the sum
of its parts. Instead of an array of individual elements the building behaves like an
organism or ecosystem. Just as nature envisions organic regeneration, so the design
proposes a natural system of organic structure and organization.
The design proposes a naturally occurring system of structural organization that generates
a building embodying efficiencies found within natural structures and architectures. The
building acts as a system, with a skin that controls air pressure, temperature, humidity, air
pollution and solar radiation.
The proposed facade is an intelligent automation of surface to address pragmatic issues
such as ventilation, solar access and water collection.
No building skin today approaches the performance of the biological world. The
traditional curtain wall is passive, lacking the power to adjust to the fluctuating external
environment. It should be able to intervene actively in the buildings struggle to maintain
its internal stability.
New materials and technologies enable an adaptability, responsiveness, environmental
awareness and strength not seen in conventional architectural design.
Architecture has to perform as an ecosystem within the organic tissue of the city.
Architecture of the future is not about the shape but about the intelligence of the system.
LAVA – Chris Bosse, Tobias Wallisser, Alexander Rieck


Knowing What Counts

By Dave de Sylva

Every day an article is written which we may read; a news item reported and delivered to our electronic gadgets, or a television program watched that rightfully draws our attention to the problems of global climate change and our inevitable need to think more sustainably. Whether this movement’s origin is academic, social or government driven, the basis for it can be traced back to early scientific measurements of our climate, from analyses of our living patterns and habits to the earth’s movement. Since the very beginning of an interaction between science and measurement, we have grown increasingly aware of our collective footprint.

This measurement based research continues to demonstrate growing problems with weather, energy demand, food production, ocean deterioration and survivability of our ecosystem as a whole. At the basis of these problems is energy itself, its’ consumption, and our reliance on all that is produced from yesterday’s resources using yesterday’s technology. From a society that considers itself forward, we use less than 1% of 1% of what energy falls upon this earth every year, and yet what we use is almost exclusively sourced by antiquated technologies and means, in spite of many advancements we continue to develop. Old plants and animals dead for hundreds of thousands of years trapped in some of the most difficult places remain the beacons of interest, subject to herculean efforts to bring their fruits into our lives, as we burn them then cast their remnants and refuse aside, the consequences of these actions which we continue to ignore, relying on distant optimism almost as though we will find another atmosphere, a better technology, a cleaner ocean, another world.

Then we have the advocates, those upon whom we rely to guide us forward, the institutors of change, the promulgators of hope. These may be the pioneers who craft clever buildings that reach tall into our skies, towers decorated with elaborate furnishings. These are the architects and engineers who have advanced intricate systems featuring new ideas for old objectives. I say old objectives, as we really don’t wish to live thousands of feet up in the air nor underground. Traditional yet antiquated needs which may continue to increase if for no other reason than the tradition of a once sustainable lifestyle, regardless of a world population, which now stretches beyond 7 billion people.


It is the continued practice of these billions of people which guarantees the need for change. Imperatively so, the solution for the world as a whole requires and insists that alternate building systems must be achievable on this scale. As an example, a closely related problem facing the world is an inability to produce sufficient food for its’ masses, yet will not be solved by newer and better recipes for lobster or beef wellington. Most eat corn and wheat. Refining the standards of the upper echelons does nothing to address the growing and gaping hole that our burgeoning population will inflict on our natural resources.

Similarly the pressing need for sustainable building will not be satiated by elaborate architecture festooned with floating gardens and tagged with billion dollar budgets. The obvious conclusion to our immediate dilemma, must be that sustainable must also mean attainable.  After all, what good is a solution if it has no real application other than to prove the academic veracity of a concept? What purpose is there served by highlighting new systems that have no chance of implementation by anyone other than governments?

Equally so, is the dissuading affect such intricate designs have on the building community. (Do you mean to say the distractions?)They serve to ensure than building green means building in the red. Little review is necessary by the average builder to see that “in the sky” ideas should be ignored if survival is at stake. (This really doesn’t read clearly) Conversely, the development industry, upon whom the real solutions rely, would (should?) take the lead if the new technology were cost effective and accepted by the market. As an example, a new system building unit that sells for the same as the old, but costs less to operate is the recipe for the future. Making the average person the target of your market is not only noteworthy, but good business. To advance ideas which can only be afforded by 1% of 1% of the population means that you are only that fraction successful, but building a real solution for all, solves the larger problem. Now everyone is on the same page. I think this paragraph is trying to speak towards the intentions of the development community and how they’re maligned for the purpose of turning over quick revenue. And I think you mean to say that the end result should be aesthetically pleasing and sustainable housing that can be affordable. Beyond that, you’ve lost me.

At the day’s conclusion, the decision to implement sustainable practices is rewarded not just through acceptance, but upon the realization that the problem is solved or being solved. No matter how many adjectives and shades of green a proponent uses, the test of success is as important as the ideas themselves. The measure of success becomes as significant as the issue itself.

Dave de Sylva is a member of the Professional Engineers of Ontario, a graduate of the University of Toronto in Civil Engineering – 1973, and an owner of DelRidge Homes Limited, GreenLife Energy Inc., Kenborough Contracting and Leed Wall Building Systems. GreenLife Energy owns and operates on site solar and remote wind energy systems and research facilities in articulated solar and concentrated wind energy. Together with DelRidge they implement these ideas in the construction of net zero energy residential and office condominiums in the 4-6 storey category from 30,000 sf. to 225,000 sf. in size and trademarked as “GreenLife” buildings.



Ivanpah: The world largest solar thermal plant

The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System (SEGS) – owned by NRG Energy, Google, and BrightSource Energy – will use BrightSource’s proven solar tower technology to produce clean, reliable solar electricity to more than 140,000 homes. Upon completion, at the end of 2013, Ivanpah will be the largest solar thermal power tower system in the world. Located in Ivanpah Dry Lake, California, the three-unit power system will be built on approximately 3,500 acres of public desert land.  Electricity from Ivanpah will avoid millions of tons of carbon dioxide and other air pollutants – the equivalent of taking 70,000 cars off the road. The project will create more than 2,100 jobs for construction workers and support staff and 86 jobs for operations and maintenance employees in addition to hundreds of millions of dollars in local and state taxes. The $2.2 billion project represents a durable model for far-reaching employment and economic benefit both locally and nationally.

The 377 megawatt net solar complex using mirrors to focus the power of the sun on solar receivers atop power towers, will reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by more than 400,000 tons per year.


Ivanpah, which started construction in October 2010, is now near completion and has reached a milestone by creating its “first flux”. Solar flux is when a significant amount of sunlight is reflected off of the solar field mirrors.  The flux slowly heated the water inside the boiler to below the point of steam generation.

For more detailed information, visit

Courtesy of BrightSource Energy

Ontario Green Policy Hub

An online policy resource to develop
and promote green built environments for Ontario municipalities

Dan Stone, MCIP, RPP – Manager of Economic Development & Sustainability, Town of East Gwillimbury

The Greater Toronto Chapter (GTC) of the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) is a non-profit organization committed to promote the knowledge and advancement of green building technologies and sustainable community design.

The GTC recognizes that the most significant advancements in the area of promoting market transformation to a more sustainable build environment have occurred at the grassroots municipal level.  In 2009, the GTC established the Municipal Leaders Forum (MLF) as a collection of municipal professionals working in the planning, engineering, building and facilities areas of municipal government engaged in varying degrees of advancing sustainable development in their municipalities.  The MLF provides a critical forum and outlet for municipalities to shares best practices, lessons learned and education in the general area of green building and sustainable development policy development.  The MLF comprises representatives from across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and beyond meeting quarterly to network and hear from guest speakers in both the public and private sector on matters relating to municipal policy and sustainable development.  Additional information regarding the MLF and its activities can be found at

The Ontario Green Policy Hub (OGPH), a dynamic free online resource consisting of emerging and innovative Ontario municipal policies, was launched by the GTC in 2012. The Hub, found at, provides a user friendly platform for municipalities to submit policy initiatives which not only include the actual policy (by-law, official plan, regulation or Council resolution) but also corresponding information including supporting background studies and staff reports. The Hub remains relevant to current activities, includes innovations and new technologies to address changes in the marketplace as well as some of the sustainable development advancements being lead by the development industry.

The Hub is designed to capture municipal policy within several key areas of sustainable development including community planning, transportation, green infrastructure, water conservation, energy, waste reduction and public buildings. In many cases, a municipal initiative may cut across several areas of sustainable development and address a multitude of municipal objectives.  For example, the City of Toronto’s Toronto Green Standard (TGS) and the Town of East Gwillimbury’s “Thinking Green Development Standards” both influence better performance in energy efficiency, stormwater management, active transportation, and offer financial incentives for exceeding minimum requirements set out.  In addition, the Hub will include policy work focused on particular areas such as the City of Kitchener’s Stormwater Management Policy or the City of Ottawa’s Development Charge By-law which provides an incentive for development which promotes “smart growth” principles of redevelopment and intensification.

The Hub is a response to the expressed needs of the MLF group to address sustainable development issues in a province of Ontario context.  While there is much available in terms of national and international best practices, pilot projects and case studies, the Hub is designed to provide practical examples of sustainable development policies created and implemented within the framework of the legislative and regulatory regime applicable to Ontario.  In Ontario, new innovative policies are being enabled through recent changes in the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), the Planning Act, the Provincial Growth Plan “Places to Grow”, the Green Energy and Economy Act and the updates to the Ontario Building Code to name a few. What works in other parts of the country and jurisdictions further afield are interesting of course, but what the MLF has been looking for is information and examples of real, Ontario-grown policy.

The objective of the Hub is to provide opportunities for municipalities to learn and share from each other’s experience in both policy development and implementation.  Lynn Robichaud, Senior Sustainability Co-ordinator, Corporate Strategic Initiatives – Development & Infrastructure Division for the City of Burlington is already a fan – as well as contributor. “When I drafted our Corporate Sustainable Building Policy, I researched several other municipal building policies online,” she says.  “I posted our policy on the OGPH to help other municipal staff who are undertaking their own research to develop their own policies.  Our Council is always interested to hear how other municipalities are dealing with similar issues when we are reporting and making recommendations on sustainability initiatives.”

Given the success of the Hub in Ontario, the hope is that a similar web-based resource will be developed in other provinces and regions across the country.  “We are very pleased to see this new tool being offered to municipalities in Ontario, as it reflects the CaGBC’s ongoing support for adopting green building at the broader community scale,” says Thomas Mueller, President and CEO of the CaGBC. “By equipping municipalities with the ability to easily access up-to-date information, we hope to encourage the implementation of effective green building policies which fit the particular community context. This in turn will lead to healthier and more sustainable communities in Canada.”

The Hub was made possible through the support of the founding sponsor of the GTC, the Toronto Region Conservation Authority, and financial support from the Ontario Power Authority’s Conservation Fund.  To check out or to submit your community’s own innovative policies, visit


Walking the walk and talking the talk

Innovation from University of Waterloo showcased in school’s new Environment 3 LEED Platinum building

By Greg McMillan

Any construction project earning Platinum status for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) deserves attention and recognition in Canada.

And, with the newest building at the University of Waterloo’s Faculty of Environment achieving such a distinction, the kudos have been quickly accumulating.

But, according to Dr. Paul Parker, Professor, Geography and Environmental Management, at the university, there has been much more accomplished than certification by the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC), the internationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance buildings.
“The highlight of the project is the enthusiasm of all the groups involved,” Dr. Parker says of the building, dubbed Environment 3 (EV3). “The starting point is the students, who love a building where they see that the university is ‘walking the talk’ as we convert lectures and lessons about improved performance and low carbon strategies into our practice.”

To recap, a Platinum designation is the highest LEED certification possible, recognizing performance in five key areas, including water and energy efficiency, sustainable site development, indoor environmental quality and materials selection.

And Feridun Hamdullahpur, President and Vice-Chancellor at Waterloo, has gone on record as saying “this commitment to real-world impact and transformative change serves us today and will guide our future.
“It is only fitting that a building on the cutting edge of green design be a part of our campus.”

And there are many examples to support that assessment.
Working with Akitt Swanson & Pearce Architects and WalterFedy design firm, Cooper Construction oversaw the design and build of the first LEED Canada Platinum structure at an Ontario university. The call for ideas also went out to students, and they responded with suggestions for the design, use and management of outside areas, green roof and the interior garden courts.
The building also hosts Waterloo’s School of Planning and the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED), thus making it home to Canada’s only LEED Canada Platinum professional school.
Some of the project highlights include:

  • A two-storey, plant-covered living wall, connected to the ventilation system, which acts as a living filter for the entire building and removes volatile organic compounds;
  • Use of sustainable wood products certified by the Forest Stewardship Council and 88 per cent recycled steel;
  • Construction using a cutting-edge structural system, allowing it to sit on top of the existing Environmental 2 building, thus minimizing the structure’s physical footprint on the campus;
  • Water efficiency through automatic, low-flow faucets, and low-flush toilets and urinals that use rainwater collected from the roof and filtered through the wetlands outside reducing the building’s water consumption by 87 per cent compared to a standard plumbing system;
  • The careful placement of the windows maximizing daylight in working spaces with automatic sensors, controlling artificial light during dark hours. (The panes are glazed using a leading-edge honeycomb technique developed at Waterloo’s solar lab making them five times more insulating.) These modifications help Environment 3 consume 45 per cent less energy than a standard building of its size. Much of this energy is supplied by an array of rooftop solar panels providing up to 67,000 kWh/year of power, roughly equivalent to the annual consumption of seven single-family homes.

Dr. Parker says the project can definitely help develop economic development strategies across Canada.
“The perfect example of this is the honeycomb glazing technology.” he says. “The glazing was developed in a lab here at Waterloo and then a doctoral student graduated and set up a firm to go into production and now they have a growing market, including EV3.
“Similarly, the living wall and green roof are products of local firms. In addition to particular technologies, the whole project reflects our growing emphasis on the knowledge economy as the design, production and installation all require new skills that are in demand as new markets grow for high performance buildings.
“EV3 also reflects the sustainable choice of buildings that have lower operating costs and generate economic benefits for decades into the future.

“In terms of highlights in the building itself, I am impressed by the things that you do not see, like higher levels of insulation and attention to detail in air sealing.  Of course, generating on-site energy with the solar panels is a visible example of where we see all buildings going.”


The account team from Siemens, led by Jack Rendulic, was intimately involved in the design process to ensure that the building automation systems were optimized for this key project, says Joseph Caranci, Siemens Area Manager for Central Canada. This project also represented the first deployment of Siemens EMC Software for the University of Waterloo. Siemens EMC is a flexible remote hosted monitoring service that provides comprehensive, easy-to-use reports on the building’s energy performance — allowing U of W to easily measure and verify the energy performance, and to make informed energy decisions for the building. Caranci says Siemens is “proud of our long-standing partnership with the University of Waterloo, and we are very happy to recognize their achievement with this sustainable new building.”




Masdar Plaza

World’s first zero carbon, zero waste city powered entirely by renewable energy sources

Masdar Initiative is a long-term strategic commitment by the government of Abu Dhabi to accelerate the development and deployment of future energy solutions.

The highest standards of sustainable development will include zero emissions; zero waste; 100% power generation through renewable energy sources, water and wastewater efficiency, indoor environmental quality, zero carbon emission and carbon footprint reduction.


LAVA ‐ Laboratory for Visionary Architecture

Chris Bosse, Tobias Wallisser, Alexander Rieck


Sydney – Stuttgart – Abu Dhabi – Shanghai


Masdar City Centre


Masdar, UAE


Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company


In excess of US $20 Billion


Schematic design. International design competition ‐ winner.


96,000m2 total.

Public Plaza 31.200 m2

5‐Star Hotel 23.265 m2

Convention 19.766 m2

Retail 15.500m2

Cinema 6.500m2

Masdar City is the world’s most prestigious project focusing on sustainable energy design. It is the city of the future and a global benchmark for sustainable urban development. LAVA believes in the MASDAR slogan “One day all cities will be like this”.

Masdar_300dpi_Simon_04-11The future wellbeing of cities around the globe depends on mankind’s ability to develop and integrate sustainable technology.

Masdar City is the city of the future positioned at the forefront of integrating sustainable technology into modern architectural design. Rome, Athens, Florence, most great historical cities have had the plaza, forum, or

square at their epicenter – where the life, values, ideals, and vision of the population evolved. Equally, the centre of Masdar must be an iconic beacon that attracts global attention to sustainable technology.

LAVA sees Masdar Plaza as “The Oasis of the Future”: a living, breathing, active, adaptive environ; stimulated by the social interaction of people, and spotlighting the use and benefits of sustainable technology.


Hence, their design proposal focuses on the delivery of three key issues:

1. Performance – to demonstrate the use and benefits of sustainable

technology in a modern, dynamic, iconic architectural environment.

2. Activation – to activate or operate the sustainable technology in

accordance with the functional needs of this environment, 24 hours a day,

365 days of the year.

3. Interaction – to encourage and stimulate a social dynamic where the life,

values, ideals, and vision of the population of Masdar evolve.


The ‘sunflower umbrellas’ are one aspect of the winning design by the

international practice Laboratory for Visionary Architecture (LAVA) for the city centre for Masdar in the UAE, the world’s first zero carbon, zero waste city powered entirely by renewable energy sources.

The solar powered ‘sunflower’ umbrellas capture the sun’s rays during the day, fold at night releasing the stored heat, and open again the next day. They follow the projection of the sun to provide continuous shade during the day.

The sunflower principle is eco‐friendly and can be adapted to anywhere in the world – it opens opportunities for outside living, even in the desert.

‘The entire city is car‐free with a magnetic public transport system includes

individual pods that drive you to your destination using solar power.

Some other key innovations of the winning plan include:

• Building façade angles that can be altered to offset or optimize solar glare.

• Materials on wall surfaces respond to changing temperatures and contain

minimal embedded energy.

• Water features can be stored underground during the day and at night

trickle or flow strongly, triggered by passersby.

• Interactive light poles, inspired by the oasis fire, transform the plaza into

a 3‐dimensional interactive media installation.

• Interactive, heat sensitive technology activates lighting in response to

pedestrian traffic and mobile phone usage.

• Roof gardens integrate food production, energy generation, water

efficiency and the reuse of organic food waste.


The idea behind LAVA’s concept is the use, inspiration, and adaptation of nature and their plans combine innovative design and sustainability.

East and west are fused in the plaza design inspired by both the oasis, as the

epicentre of Arabic nomadic life, and the iconic piazza of historical European cities. The “Oasis of the Future” is conceived as an open spatial experience, whereby all features, whether hotel, conference, shopping, or leisure, offer the highest quality of indoor and outdoor comfort and interaction. Buildings surrounding the plaza form gorges, evoking mystical comparisons with the Grand Canyon and the entrance to Petra.

The “Oasis of the Future” demonstrates sustainable technology in a user‐friendly architectural environment – flexible use of space, outdoor and indoor comfort, and optimum performance.

The following environmental and engineering design concepts will minimize

energy consumption:

‐ Radiant surfaces

‐ Air movement that supplements natural wind patterns

‐ Evaporating cooling mist

‐ Thermal mass and PCM

‐ Slab cooling and Luna Panels

‐ Shading of external facades surrounding the Plaza


LAVA’s sustainable design and engineering philosophy balances the ‘vision of the future’ with ‘scientific fact and availability’. The aim is to provide the lowest possible carbon footprint, whilst maintaining the highest level of user experience within the practical viability of affordable architecture.

Engineering specialists have analyzed each component of potential energy

expenditure and investigated individual efficiencies in order to reduce the

carbon footprint. Even the façade of the buildings surrounding the Plaza will

incorporate long‐life, loose‐fit structural design to enable flexible future planning and reconfiguration opportunities. Switching and sensors will activate and deactivate features and functions in correlation with usage and pedestrian flow.

All front and back of house functions within the Hotel and Convention Centre will capture sustainability of water, waste, materials, indoor and outdoor environmental quality.

The proposal strives to exceed those of the Masterplan and is, in addition,

benchmarked against Estidama* and LEED (Platinum). Adaptive cooling provides all facilities with extended usability during peak heat loads.

Solar analysis provides insight into the tuning of facades in order to incorporate an ability to respond to varying sun angles and levels of solar intensity.

The Oasis of the Future is a living, breathing habitat. The ability to control

ambient temperature at all times of the day is the key to making the Plaza a

compulsive destination. The gorges pull inhabitants into the loop. The ‘Petals from Heaven’ open and close; protect pedestrians from the sun; capture, store, and release heat; adjust the angle of shade based on the position of the sun. The heat sensitive lamps adjust the level of lighting to the proximity of pedestrians.

The water features ebb and flow based on the intensity of ground temperatures.

‘Masdar Plaza, The Oasis of the Future’ incorporates the highest level of

knowledge and expertise in science, technology, and construction methodology, globally. It is a balance between iconic architectural identity, cutting edge sustainable design and technology.

* Estidama is a building design methodology for constructing and operating buildings and communities more sustainably. The program is a key aspect of the “Plan Abu Dhabi 2030” drive to build the city of Abu Dhabi according to innovative green standards. “Eastidama” is the Arabic word for sustainability. The program is not itself a green building rating system like LEED or BREEAM, but rather a collection of ideals that are imposed in an elective building code type of format.

Within Estidama, however is a green building rating system called the Pearl Rating Systemthat is utilized to evaluate sustainable building development practices in Abu Dhabi. (Wilkipedia)