All posts by Giulio

#1TipTo Making Your Business Website10 Seconds More Attractive

Do you think that your website has the ‘sticking power’ necessary to keep visitors engaged?

According to Jacob Nielsen1, whom the New York Times called “the guru of Website usability” provides this summary: ‘Users often leave web pages in 10–20 seconds, however, pages with a clear value proposition can hold people’s attention for much longer’.

There are many factors that drive visitors away, and plenty of reasons why they linger on and return to a given page.  Let’s agree that the first 10 seconds of the page visit are critical for users’ decision to stay or leave. The question remains: what can and should you be doing with such limited time?

#1 Tip: Communicate your Value Proposition

What does Value Proposition mean? 
“Why should I buy this product, service or idea?” asks your customer. Your value proposition must answer this, in a compelling way. It’s a short statement that clearly communicates the benefits that your potential client gets by using your product, service or idea. It “boils down” all the complexity of your sales pitch into something that your prospect can easily grasp and remember.

Here’s an example of what a real estate firm may sound like: “We at Home Corp Real Estate help homeowners sell and buy property. We guarantee that your home will be sold in 30 days or less, or we’ll buy it ourselves.”

What do I do with it?
Think of your value proposition as the foundation of your online marketing plan. It will forever help you stay on course, as it serves as a reminder of what separates your brand from your competitors. Everything that you do online, from messaging, content, offers, ebooks, case studies, white papers, video should be delivered in a way that it supports your value proposition.

It’s not about you; it’s about your customer.
David Meerman Scott2, author of The New Rules of Marketing and PR defines it this way: “the most important thing to remember, is to put your products and services to the side for just a little while and focus your complete attention on the buyers of your products. You must put your entire focus on helping your customers succeed.”

Creating customer value, that’s the proposition.
Every page on your website is an opportunity to market your brand and the value you bring to the visitor. Think about what makes your business or service distinctive. Why is your offering preferable to other options for solving the need? Do you have something special that’s worthwhile to share? Is there some way to highlight how you’re distinct from others?

Keep these thoughts in mind as you develop your own unique value proposition:

1. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes to find the answers.
Who is your potential customer? What do they do and what do they need? What problems do they need solved? What does the customer value most?

2. Know your competitors.
Think again from your customer’s perspective and ask how your product or ideas create more value than your competition. What can you do with your idea, knowledge of your market to really improve their lives, health, financial situation, status, prestige, etc… over and above your competition.

3. Know how your product solves a need.
Identify what the rational and emotional benefits of solving the need are? How does the product, service or idea solve the problem or offer improvement? What value and results does it offer the customer?

4. Proof of concept.
How can you demonstrate that your approach has worked to solve similar problems for others? How do you substantiate your claims? How do they know that what you say will happen, will actually happen?

5. Uniqueness.

Why is your offering preferable to other options for solving the need? Do you have something special about you that are worthwhile to share? Is there some way to highlight how you’re distinct from others?

Producing winning results is greatly dependent on the inclusion of a solid, well-defined value proposition that’s incorporated into your business Inbound marketing plan.

Does your company have a UVP (unique value proposition)? If not, will you be developing one for your business. Let us know if you found this article helpful.

1. How Long Do Users Stay on Web Pages? Jacob Nielsen,­ Alertbox, September 12, 2011
2. The New Rules of Marketing and PR. David Meerman Scott, John Wiley & Sons‬, 2007‬

About Murray Sye – Murray is a marketing professional with over twenty-five years worth of experience, the last ten of which he has spent working as an online marketing specialist, helping independent businesses grow and thrive by leveraging the power of the Internet.
To learn more about his firm WhiteSpace, and the latest trends affecting Inbound Marketing and Social Media, visit or call Murray directly in Toronto at 416 449-9559.

Bringing it Home – How TRCA’s Green Home Makeover is supporting green renovation and market transformation

By Shannon Logan, Toronto and Region Conservation

With energy costs on the rise, and summer water restrictions across many municipalities, homeowners are increasingly considering the energy and water efficiency of their home, and turning to their contractor or trade professional for advice. With almost half of the private dwellings in the Greater Toronto Area over 30 years old[1], and home renovation on the rise, the question is, how can we help make it truly green? There may be no shortage of emerging technology in energy and water management out there, however for some innovative products, consumer markets may not be strong enough to support competitive pricing. So with “green renovation” now a mainstream buzzword, and trend setters starting to adopt some of these, how can renovators and homeowners identify strategic renovations, estimate the return on investment, and understand ongoing maintenance considerations? Marketing transformation towards efficient products is already happening in areas such as low flow toilets, water efficient washers and natural gas furnaces. But for older homes with poor insulation, mid-efficiency appliances and fixtures, how can we accelerate this change?

Governments and utilities are struggling with the same issues. With aging energy and water infrastructure on a large scale, they want and need to encourage energy and water efficient in the homes they service. Toronto and Region Conservation (TRCA), one of 36 Conservation Authorities in southern Ontario, is working with these partners in strategic planning and education to homeowners and the building industry in support of sustainable resource use, achievement of conservation goals and a healthy environment.

Local demonstrations designed to educate homeowners and renovators are a key part of our collective effort. Earlier this year, TRCA, along with a number of key public and private partners, unveiled the Green Home Makeover, an innovative project designed to:

  • Showcase innovative eco-friendly home improvements and retrofits for single detached homes;
  • Educate homeowners and the building industry on new technology installation and maintenance;
  • Support monitoring and evaluation of innovative sustainable technologies; and
  • Provide an on-the-ground illustration of retrofit benefits and connect people with how-to information.

The Makeover is part of the County Court SNAP (Sustainable Neighbourhood Retrofit Action Plan) being developed by TRCA, Region of Peel, City of Brampton and the community (visit This visionary and measurable Action Plan will transform the older neighbourhood to improve the local environment, prepare for climate change and make it a better place to live, work and play. Through local demonstrations like the Makeover, it connects on a personal level with property owners, encouraging behavior change and learning about what they can do at home to save water, energy and contribute to a greener community.

Located at 71 Turtlecreek Boulevard in Brampton’s 30 year old County Court suburban neighbourhood, the Green Home Makeover showcases sustainable indoor and outdoor renovations that will have big energy and water savings. Renovations includes a high-efficiency HVAC system, improved basement and attic insulation, weatherization, energy and water efficient appliances, drain water heat recovery, Energy Star windows and doors, ultra low flow toilets, rain barrels, a rain garden, permeable driveway and walkway and water efficient Fusion Landscaping®[2]. The Makeover was made possible through donations of product and time from Lead Platinum sponsor Reliance Home Comfort, Platinum sponsor Sears Canada, Gold Sponsor Green Saver and numerous Silver sponsors. Other partners include Enbridge Gas Distribution and Hydro One Brampton as well as green building, water and landscape industry associations.

As part of the integrated design process led by Sustainable Buildings Canada, the team confirmed the most appropriate features to include in the home and estimated potential future savings. This includes: a reduction in total energy and water consumption by 50%; an EnerGuide rating increase from 58 to 76; improved home comfort and indoor environment; reduced rainwater runoff and improved water quality; and an attractive outdoor landscape and improved biodiversity.

The Makeover is a resource for building industry professionals looking to learn more about green renovation. Product information sheets, which include costs and benefits and supplier contacts, are available on the project website, along with a series of short renovation videos. TRCA’s STEP (Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program), part of the Living City Campus at Kortright Centre for Conservation in Vaughan, will be monitoring energy and water consumption and landscape LID (low impact development) performance over the next two years (visit and Tours of the home are also offered to interested groups and residents. Homeowners Paul and Marisa and their family are also a fantastic resource. They have seen the changes first hand, are taking a keen interest in sharing their experience with the community and industry, and after all, know their home best!

It’s not enough to simply create a demonstration project like this and hope it makes an impact. It has to be part of a larger program that makes it appealing for people to make change. This is why TRCA, in partnership with public and private sector partners, is leading a residential retrofit program for the whole neighbourhood. This one-window program, called the Green Home Discount Package, includes incentives and discounts on a series of strategic indoor and outdoor home renovations that homeowners are likely interested in given the age of this neighbourhood. The message and incentives have been custom designed for County Court, and have been informed by our local social marketing research. The pilot program was launched this summer and will continue through 2012 with local promotion, tracking, homeowner recognition and program evaluation.

To book a tour of the Green Home Makeover in Brampton, call (416) 661-6600 ext. 5778. To see renovation videos, product information sheets and more learn more about the Green Home Discount Package and SNAP, visit

[1] Statistics Canada, 2006 Census of Population. Summary Table: Occupied private dwellings by period of construction and condition of dwelling, by census metropolitan area [available at]

[2] Part of the Region of Peel’s Water Smart Peel program. Visit

Starting with a Tight Building Envelope to Reduce First Costs

By Monica Karamagi

For builders, building green and reducing energy consumption must always be tempered with bottom line costs.

Fortunately, what leads to reduced energy usage and lower monthly utility costs for property owners can also mean reduced costs for builders. This is achieved when the builder takes a system-wide approach to energy efficiency.

When builders use a system-wide approach, the cumulative life cycle operating costs are lowered. This is because the building’s monthly operating costs are lowered. In this scenario, high quality mechanicals, smart control strategies and efficient lighting strategies are all key pieces of the puzzle, but energy efficiency really starts with the building envelope.

When builders think of the building envelope, they tend to think in terms of R-value, construction types, aesthetics and more recently, the total U-value and continuous insulation.

There is another aspect that is being recognized in contributing to the building envelope – air tightness. According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), uncontrolled air leakage in a typical building can account for as much as 30-50 percent of a building’s heating and cooling costs. The reason is simple: every bit of outside air that enters the building through air infiltration must then be heated, cooled and/or dehumidified to get back to a thermostat’s set point.


Spray polyurethane foam (spray foam or SPF) insulation helps builders achieve air tightness goals. It acts as an air barrier, vapor retarder, weather resistant barrier and continuous insulation. It is also helps builders reduce material costs and HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) tonnage. Spray foam can also help builders achieve LEED®  Canada(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification.

Material Costs

When a tight building envelope is achieved with spray foam insulation, builders often see reduced material costs across the board. Because closed cell SPF (typically used in Canada) provides an extremely high R-value (in the range of 15-16 cm), builders can meet R-value requirements using 2×4 stud members, as opposed to the 2x6s often required when insulation needs to be thicker to meet R-value requirements.

In addition to reducing lumber usage and costs, using 2×4 framing leads to savings on window and door extension jambs and provides additional square footage.

HVAC Reductions

Performance and design of mechanical systems must match the performance of the building envelope. With the energy reduction that tight buildings provide, HVAC systems can be significantly downsized, saving upfront costs. However, several other considerations must be made:

  • Ventilation rates and strategy as “fresh air” is no longer supplied through the gaps and cracks in the building
  • Use of sealed combustion or power-vented combustion equipment to prevent flue gas spillage and back-drafting
  • Detailed sizing analysis (e.g., Manual J) to achieve a right-sized HVAC system that does not short cycle and ensures comfort, and minimizes upfront and operating costs
  • Proper system design and equipment selection to ensure humidity control for comfort
  • Good duct design to ensure sufficient air mixing and distribution

LEED Certification

Commercial and high-end residential buildings are increasingly designed with LEED Canada certification in mind. LEED assigns points based on energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts.

Spray foam insulation provides valuable points in several areas in the pursuit of LEED certification:

  • High quality insulation
  • Air tightness. A typical commercial building has air leakage rates of 0.017 to 0.045 cubic meters per minute (cmm) per square meter (sm) at a pressure of 75 pascals. ASHRAE defines a tight building as one with leakage rates of 0.003 cmm/sm at 75 pascals.
  • Design flexibility to easily accommodate ducts in conditioned space

Spray foam can also contribute in less obvious ways. In the LEED Materials and Resources category, closed cell spray foam can assist in achieving points for material efficient framing. Closed cell spray foam increases the racking strength and facilitates use of wider structural member spacing.

When buildings are constructed with a system-wide approach, and given a tight building envelope, they can provide construction cost savings for the developer, as well as energy efficiency over the life of the building.

Monica Karamagi is the regional marketing and industry affairs manager for Huntsman Polyurethanes.\sprayfoam.

LEED® Canada is a registered trademark of Canada Green Building Council (CGBC).

How Building Envelope Meets Smart Grid

By David Katz

Three recent events I attended have helped drive home the message that it’s time to move to the next level of building – having more structures meet the smart grid and be sustainable.

And that means taking a sustainable approach which requires a life-cycle evaluation of all the options; from aesthetics, to environmental, to smart grid integration benefits.

The three events that had the issue of energy as major themes were about Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV), Building Envelope Solutions (BES) and Smart Grid Canada (SGC).

They looked at improvement to the building envelope, the addition of renewable energy and connecting to the smart grid. Key points made showed that, while there may be high initial costs, but there are definite, long-term benefits.  And that in order to attain sustainable – meaning GREEN, intelligent, smart, high-performance and net zero – buildings, an integrated design approach using life-cycle costs is required.

The BIPV event at Toronto Harbourfront showed the integration of photovoltaic in the beautiful façade artwork of Sarah Hall. The potential for more BIPV and the challenges of inclusion in the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) feed-in tariff (FIT) program were discussed. As we build and retrofit our buildings and energy grids to be smart, BIPV will be more prevalent.
A report by NanoMarkets, LC, a leading nanotechnology industry market research and analysis firm, entitled BIPV Markets-2011, showed the challenges and complexities for BIPV acceptance given the many different types, costs, and efficiencies.
The aesthetic concerns require the BIPV to be part of the building surfaces. The renewable electricity production should be measured, and not wasted, by overcoming inefficiencies in the building, considering its higher costs and possible financial incentives from the utilities and government that are paid for by all energy customers.
As a member of a building-to-grid (B2G) group developing the next smart grid roadmap, I am constantly trying to get the utility experts talking to the building experts so we bring down the silos of the past and develop the future integration of buildings and energy systems.
The smart grid efforts are focused on applying the information technology prevalent in our society today – as part of the electric, gas and water utility infrastructure – so the production, delivery and end use of these utilities will be enhanced and managed in real time. This will lower the rate of the increase in energy and water costs as the utilities replace the antiquated systems that currently have little information capabilities. They must be built to meet growing end-use demand.
At the BES event, a perspective on glazing and the update to the Ontario building code, with the significant energy efficiency requirements, was discussed.  And it was timely as recent incidents of falling glazing shows that safety must come first. The event provided presentations on fenestration but it also highlighted the convergence of the energy and building envelope objectives.
One new technology, electronically tintable glass, was presented by Helen Sanders, vice-president at SAGE Electrochromics, Inc.  In addition to the examples of facilities that were using the tinting glass to provide shading in real time as the sun moves across the sky, she showed a slide called the ‘Impact of Façade Technologies On Energy Usage in U.S. Building Stock’ from an LBNL report 60049, by Arasteh et al.

This showed the quads of energy use for heating, cooling and lighting for each façade. The most energy used was for the current building stock and average current windows that require the most heating and cooling energy.
It pointed out that less energy is required for low-E films and dynamic and triple pane units. There are significant energy savings in all three energy-usage examples with integrated insulating dynamic façades.
They showed how the technology works. As daylighting is recognized as the contributor to better occupant performance, the integrated building automation system increases natural light, reducing electric lighting, solar gain, glare and cooling while harvesting the daylight when available. It could also provide demand response capabilities when the grid is taxed by air-conditioning load.
Additionally, recent research studies by the Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA) show that building automation has extended beyond the traditional heating and cooling controls to include the lighting, daylight harvesting, automated shading, and now tintable windows.
CABA’s ‘Bright Green Building’ report showed the convergence of the GREEN and intelligent building rating systems and how they complement each other.
Some of the challenges relate to the owners’ concerns about the perceived additional costs and how to pay for them. It should be noted that while renewable energy currently has higher initial costs, they are fueled by the sun, wind and water at little or no cost and provide environmental benefits.
The higher costs of the innovative building envelope technologies that provide long-term energy savings and production should be evaluated using life-cycle costs. Energy prices are rising. There are utility financial incentives to lower the initial cost and low cost financing available to make “bright” green buildings a reality.
There are many shading and other glazing options. Some are external to the building and they provide excellent opportunity to bring natural light into the building, while also being available to shield the building at times when the solar gain is extreme.
A case in point: Dr. Thanos Tzempelikos, M.A.Sc., Ph.D. recently performed significant energy modelling and produced a study called ‘The impact of Solarmotion-controlled exterior louvers and interior shades on building energy demand for different locations’ for Construction Specialties, Inc.
All in all, with these types of industry events and studies, it’s shown that a sustainable approach requires a life-cycle cost evaluation of all the options from the aesthetics, environmental and smart grid integration benefits.
So let’s have the buildings meet the smart grid and be sustainable.

David Katz is President of Sustainable Resources Management and a former Financial Evaluations Officer at Ontario Hydro where he applied life-cycle costs and multi-attribute scoring to major capital expenditure decisions. He currently consults to building owners and represents sustainable solution technology companies.  He can be reached at



Full Building Air Leakage Testing: How Big is the Hole in your Wall?

Air leakage is responsible for a host of building problems: high energy bills, poor indoor air quality, occupant discomfort, wall deterioration (which is often concealed), and a higher carbon footprint. Until recently, owners of large buildings had few options at their disposal to test air leakage performance of their building enclosure (walls and roof) in a quantitative way.

Today, advanced technologies – a combination of sophisticated computer software, blower doors, pressure gauges and infrared imaging – is making it possible to actually measure full building air leakage performance, and start to pinpoint where the leaks are coming from. This information enables building owners to make informed decisions resulting in more efficient and durable buildings.

Case Study: The Ontario Association of Architects Headquarters

These new technologies were recently put to the test at the Ontario Association of Architects (OAA)’s Toronto three-storey headquarters where architect David Fujiwara is managing the Association’s building energy review and maintenance plan. As part of Fujiwara’s mandate to improve energy efficiency at the 20-year-old building, he engaged Halsall Associates to evaluate building enclosure air leakage performance.

Working with Building Science Corporation (BSC), Halsall conducted full building air leakage testing using a series of automated blower doors and pressure gauges controlled by a central computer. Halsall also used infrared imaging to scan for the source of air leaks. The testing was performed under the watchful eye of 30 guests, including OAA members, councillors and staff, who were invited for a first-hand demonstration.

How the test works

To test for air leakage, it is important to create a pressure-controlled environment. This means blocking off intentional openings in the walls and roof, that is, closing operable windows and doors, sealing air intake and exhaust vents, and shutting down all the building’s mechanical equipment. This preparation work is a big part of the process and results in trapping yourself – and in this case our 30 guests – in the building. Luckily, the first stage of testing took less than an hour and everyone survived the “lock down.”

Once the building is prepared, the testing works by using blower doors to force air in to, then out of, the building. This creates pressurized and depressurized scenarios which are then measured and logged. As the wind can affect building pressure, a baseline wind reading is taken on all the elevations before starting the test, in order to correct for wind effects.

The blower doors maintain a constant pressure within the building relative to the exterior. Since the building is not perfectly air-tight, air will leak through breaches in the wall assembly, usually at joints between different cladding components. The testing employs the basic principle that the air flow rate in through the blower doors will be the same as the aggregate air flow out through all the leaks in the building enclosure, and vice versa. Advanced computer software enables Halsall to check readings in real time. In the case of the OAA, for example, we could tell right away when a door was opened because the computer display  would show a sudden pressure drop.

The total air flow through the building enclosure can be expressed in a number of ways. We can divide it by the total wall/roof area to help compare the results to other buildings of different sizes (benchmarking). We can also convert the total air flow to an equivalent size hole through the building enclosure. This effectively combines the area of all the small holes and cracks into one aggregate hole, which helps one visualise the amount of air leakage.

For the second part of the test – to actually identify the air leakage locations – Halsall conducted a thermographic scan. The building is first scanned while the interior space is being pressurized, then again while undergoing depressurization. When the outside temperature is cool, so are the exterior wall surfaces. Interior air that leaks out will warm up nearby cladding components and produce a “heat signature” that can be detected with infrared equipment. The pressurized and depressurized scan results are then compared. As Halsall Project Principal Dave De Rose explained to the assembled audience, “If the hot spots appear the same under positive and negative pressure, this indicates a thermal bridge. If the readings are different, there is air leakage.”

How air tight is the OAA building?

If you add up all the small cracks and holes in the building enclosure, the combined hole is about one quarter of a square metre. In other terms this is the same as 0.91 L/s of air flowing through each square meter of the building enclosure when a pressure of 75 Pascals is induced across it.

On its own, this raw result may not mean much. But when benchmarked against industry guidelines, the OAA office building is performing well. The building has 30% less air leakage through the building enclosure than the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) standard. This is a very strict standard that governs construction of all new U.S. Army buildings. (See the graph for the full set of benchmarked results.)

The thermographic scan did, however, pinpoint a number of isolated areas throughout the building enclosure where air leakage is occurring. While these isolated leaks do not have a significant impact on the overall air leakage, these breaches could be contributing to local areas of concealed deterioration. Where there is air leakage, there is a greater risk of condensation, which can result in metal corrosion or mould.

The testing also showed that air leakage was occurring through the mechanical system dampers when they are in the closed position and around some of the dampers/ducts where they penetrate the enclosure. The impact of this air leakage is significant. The volume of air leaking through these components when they are closed was the same as 66% of the air leakage through the rest of the entire building enclosure.

What did the test results mean for OAA’s building management strategy?

The full building air leakage test provided the architect and building owners with accurate, detailed information to help them focus their building management strategy.

Given how air tight the building enclosure was shown to be, Halsall recommended against large scale building enclosure air sealing retrofits as this would result in only marginal gains in energy performance. Instead, we advised the OAA to focus on adjusting or replacing the mechanical dampers and on sealing isolated air leaks. This strategy is expected to have better energy saving results and also improve the building enclosure durability.

Air leakage testing helps owners understand their building. Knowing how your building is performing allows you to make educated management decisions and choose appropriate remedial actions. In short, you can plan for the right repairs at the right time. Conscientious owners who want to reduce their carbon footprint, improve occupant comfort, and protect their asset for the future should consider full building air leakage testing to find out how their building really stacks up.

Jake Smith is a Project Manager with Halsall Associates’ Restoration team. Halsall is a national building engineering firm with over 50 years’ experience in designing, evaluating and renewing buildings. Contact Jake at


Environmental Visitor Centre Gets a Serious Green Makeover

By Alex Waters

For over 30 years the Kortright Centre, has been one of Canada’s leading environmental education centres. With over 120,000 visitors annually, including 70,000 students, the Kortright Centre plays a key role in educating generations of youth and adults about nature, and the environment.

In 2005 the Centre, owned and operated by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), launched a bold new vision for Kortright called “The Living City Campus” .  This vision would see Kortright grow to become a key strategy of the TRCA’s platform to help Toronto become a more sustainable and livable city. The Campus would become an innovation centre for sustainability that would be based on state of the art demonstrations, sustainable building/technology research, and education and training centre for students, homeowners, trades and professionals.

Seven years later the Campus has become one of Canada’s largest, publicly accessible, demonstration, research and education Centres for green buildings and sustainable technologies. The Campus demonstrations include:

  1. Ontario’s first LEED platinum commercial building;
  2. The Earth Rangers 60,000 sq.ft LEED Gold building;
  3. 2 LEED Platinum houses; and
  4. The largest education demonstrations of renewable energy technologies in Canada.

In addition, within two kilometers radius from Kortright, in the City of Vaughan, you can find 3 more LEED gold buildings.

In the heart of the Campus is the Kortright Visitor Centre. The Visitors Centre is the gateway to all the natural, cultural and built wonders on the 250 hectares of pristine greenspace, along the Humber River. The Kortright Visitors Centre is, a 30,000 square foot, 3 level open concept post and beam structure, with a 140 seat theatre, 8 classrooms, café and gift shop. This visitors centre is the hub of all the educational/training/recreational programs, and activities that are featured at the Campus. The Kortright Visitors Centre also acts as a trailhead guiding visitors to either a natural adventure (hiking, skiing, orienteering, geocaching, birding and dogsleding) or lessons in the latest sustainable energy or green building demonstrations in Canada.

Although the Visitors Centre is a beautiful structure, it is quite ironic that it is the antitheses of the progressive demonstration on the property. The Visitors Centre was falling apart from the inside out, with a failing electric heating and cooling system and a roof in desperate need of repair. The Centre did not even have a ventilation system, and relied on the enormous amount of infiltration around its doors and windows to provide fresh air for the hundreds of inhabitants. In fact, before some serious weather stripping was installed years ago, visitors could see 1 ft snow drifts inside the building after a winter storm.

Considering the state of the building, the TRCA has turned this infrastructure liability into a sustainable opportunity. With the exception of the Visitor Centre, all the buildings on the property demonstrate excellent examples of commercial and residential green buildings practices for new buildings. The Kortright Visitor Centre represents an opportunity to address the largely untapped stock of existing building in the greater Toronto area.

Currently 53% of the GTA commercial building stock is over 26 years old, or older, and over 50% of the energy used in these buildings is for space heating and cooling. Commercial buildings contribute about 1/3 of the GTA GHG’s emissions and consume 37% of the electricity and 17% of the natural gas. Studies have shown that commercial retrofits could reduce building energy consumption by nearly 50%.

The Kortright Visitor Centre retrofit is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate the energy, water, and resource saving opportunities for commercial retrofits, and expand the existing green infrastructure demonstrations and educational programs on site. Between the building enhancements, exhibits and programs, Kortright Visitors Centre hopes to become the beacon that demonstrates, educates and motivates other building owners to learn more about  the enormous opportunities available to the save money and reduce their carbon footprint through a green retrofit.

In 2010 Levitt Goodman Architects were hired to design a retrofit plan for the Visitors Centre with the goals to improve:

  1. The thermal efficiency and reduce energy use by min. 50%.
  2. Thermal comfort  for visitors
  3. Indoor air quality
  4. Day lighting
  5. Durability of the structure and minimize on going maintenance
  6. The indoor experience for the visitors by building creating a sense of connection with the surrounding environment.


The retrofit plan designed by Levitt Goodman achieves all the goals of the TRCA, as well as allowing the Visitors Centre to remain open during the entire re-construction process. The plan consists of 3 major stages and will take 3 years to implement.

  1. Upgrade the heating/cooling system and install a ventilation system
  2. Complete an entire re-skinning of the building
  3. Renewable energy installation

Heating, Cooling, Ventilation

The old HVAC system was an all-electric force air and baseboard heating system with no ventilation system. The HVAC system was the highest priority of the retrofit, as 2 of the six heating units were out of commission, with parts no longer available for purchase. Because natural gas was not readily available, the TRCA decided in 2011 to install a ground source heat pump system. The installed system has 18-525 ft vertical wells producing  625, 000 btu of heat and 677,000 btu of cooling capacity, distributed amongst 6 heat pump units. Although GSHP systems have a high upfront cost, the operating costs should reduce the Centre’s overall energy cost by 50%. The GSHP is also electrically based, which matches  the Centre’s future desire to install a 100kw photovoltaic system.

To improve the indoor air quality and thermal comfort, the building envelope would be completely re-skinned, insulated and a new Energy Recovery Ventilation System would be installed.  As the building cantilevers over the Humber Valley, the ventilation system takes advantage of the cool air in the valley to help keep the building cool during the summer shoulder seasons.

Building Re-skinning

Starting September 2012 the stage 2 re-skinning process will commence. The re-skinning will improve the durability of the external cladding, while at  the same time improving the thermal efficiency and air leakage of the walls, roof and floor, as well as  enhancing the day lighting inside the Centre. Currently the Visitors Centre has 30 year old Western Cedar cladding that is peeling off the surfaces due to the lack of ventilation behind the siding. The siding will be replaced by Eastern White Cedar, a locally grown sustainable wood. The finish will have a surface treatment that protects the wood while allowing it to gray naturally, which minimizes the operational maintenance of the cladding. While the walls, floors and ceiling are open the contractors will be able to properly seal and insulate the exterior structures. The wall insulation will go from R 12 to R30, the floor from R 8 to R 30, and the ceiling from R14 to R 33.

When visitors walk into the existing building they see beautiful 60 ft exposed Douglas Fir vaulted ceilings. Unfortunately it’s relatively dark and cuts the visitor off from the enormous 100 ft plus maple trees which surround the building. To help reconnect the visitor to the outdoors, and provide some natural lighting, the architects increased the amount of windows and skylights on the forest valley side of the building. To maintain comfort all the windows will be triple pane, low e, argon filled windows with a max.U value of .29 and a maximum SHGC of 0.27

Renewable Energy System:

The last stage of the retrofit will see the renewable energy system installed in 2013. Ontario is fortunate to have a progressive green energy policy which uses a Feed In Tariff or FIT program to incent both commercial and residential owners to install photovoltaic (PV) solar systems to provide electricity to the central grid. The incentive is a 20 year contract to sell photovoltaic generated electricity back to the grid at a preferred rate of 54.9 cents/kwhr.  In 2013 Kortright will be installing a 100kw photovoltaic system as part of its solar demonstrations and PV research. This system will generate approx. $60,000 per year and will offset all the electric bills for the Centre. The system will pay for itself in eight years and have an ROI (return of investment) of 11%. Although the system is not energy neutral, it is certainly cost neutral.


The retrofit of the Kortright Visitors Centre is a vibrant and vital part in moving the sustainability agenda forward in Ontario for the next thirty years. This retrofit plan will reduce energy and operation costs as well as expand the green infrastructure demonstrations and learning programs at the Living City Campus. The retrofit also will reinforce the vision of the Campus as a destination for homeowners, school groups,  trades, and professionals wanting to see and learn about innovative sustainable actions for the environment, infrastructure and lifestyle opportunities, making the Living City Campus one of Ontario’s most unique and sought after demonstrations and learning experiences.

Alex Waters is a Senior Manager at The Living City Campus at Kortright



Sustainability Charrette for 915 Unit Development in Kitchener



Finally at large-scale, a centralized district heating and cooling system is being studied for an inspiring 915-unit residential community in Kitchener, targeting to achieve LEED® Gold certification. If finalized, it will take natural heat from the ground using ground source heat pumps; and when more heating and cooling is needed it will be supplied by a combined heat and power (CHP) system, which uses natural gas in a miserly, efficient way. It will also eliminate cooling towers, reducing the amount of water needed for AC. In addition photovoltaic solar panels will generate more electricity than needed, defraying utility costs further.

Bruno Suppa’s time has come. Thirty years ago he was talking about alternative energy systems in the homes he was building. But there were cost and technology obstacles. Since then he has done everything right, gradually incorporating green tech, learning the pros and cons, and building his company, Queensgate Development Group into a strong player. Driving change without going broke means using an engineering charrette.


Charrettes are for technological turning points, especially when the stakes are high and it is time to commercialize a new direction. So on a sizzling hot July morning this year, Suppa brought together a world of experience to plan Victoria Common. About a dozen engineers from across Canada and the USA, Architect Mark Zwicker, plus a visiting geothermal-CHP specialist from Italy; they all gathered in a semi-darkened meeting room in Toronto’s hipster Liberty Village to talk about the proposed green heating and cooling system. The charrette defines the current state of the sustainable buildings industry: holistically integrated and poised to go large-scale.



CHP district plants now offer compelling business cases because renewable system costs are decreasing and control systems can be programmed to manage and store energy and electricity like never before. This is more important to condominium buyers because governments are no longer playing down the fact that traditional utility costs are likely to increase significantly in the near future.

Suppa describes Kitchener-Waterloo as Canada’s Silicon Valley and says this demographic appreciates walkable communities, homes that are powered by environment-friendly sustainable technology and are affordable over the long term. About half of the first building in the development was sold as soon as it was offered

The question for the charrette is what is the best combination of technology, building practices and financial models to ensure investors make money, while using green technology. The lead engineering firm is Stantec, which has probably been more innovative than most other large (conservative) engineering dynasties. Stantec has 12,000 employees.

They talk about a special spider plow, designed for farming, but now being adapted and used for cost-effective large-scale horizontal geothermal projects. They talk about an innovative recent solution in which geothermal boreholes were inserted within the structural piles holding up a WestJet building in Calgary; and a geoexchange system at UBC that replaces natural gas and saves more than $600k per year. They describe new floor mat products from Uponor and others that make production scale radiant heat installs quicker and save 60% on energy.


Sergio Giuseppini, who has used co-generation technology for five European IKEA stores, talks about a 300-unit residential project in Rome that uses CHP and geo, similar to what the charrette is considering today for Suppa’s project. He notes the importance of knowing your goals from the beginning. Suppa reinforces that he is seeking to ensure Kitchener condominium owners don’t pay as much as others for utilities. This will soon become important to homeowners all over North America. He is also wondering if Ontario’s Microfit program will mean that some solar will make sense with this project and help generate electricity and revenue.

Tom Phelps from Stantec in North Carolina reviews a comparison of levelized costs for various technology configurations such as CHP, geo, solar, natural gas condensing boilers, biomass, coal and so on. These include capital, operating, financing and other costs. He notes that generic CHP releases less pollution and now usually costs less to the end user than utility distributed generation. He says the latter leaks 67% of its heat, while CHP loses just 20%. Phelps suggests to Suppa that marketing plans which would promote CHP for backup emergency power are not as strong an argument as ongoing cost advantages.

Geothermal expert Gino Di Rezze talks about his many years of hands-on experience and some of the new drilling and heat pump technology available. He has worked on major projects in numerous locations and comments on new Ontario regulatory specifics.


After a quick lunch at a nearby sandwich hub, the group gets down to the tough decisions for the engineering feasibility budget. What should we study? They only have a month or two, because the site must be serviced in time for spring construction.

They talk about system sizes, locations, phases, configurations and engineering study trade-offs. When considering adding geothermal to the system, the plan should be that it is running at least 50% or more of the time, to make it pay. It is important to right size the CHP plant for somewhere in the middle between full energy demand and baseload; to optimize capital and operating costs borne by owners.

They talk about the most appropriate kind of CHP, heat pumps, fan coils, the costs of HRVs, direct heat to residential units or configuring it through the central plant. A traditional low enthalpy system requires a whole different set of calculations from one that assumes heat storage. They ask Zwicker, the architect, to weigh in on the idea of disguising the CHP stack within a fancy community clock tower and building the mechanical room into the underground garage.


They discuss construction process differences in the USA, Alberta, Europe and Ontario. Civil engineer Ian Robertson talks about local wellheads, the municipality’s sensitivity surrounding drinking water and the way potability standards are being applied. He mentions the drilling freeze and revision of geo well rules in Ontario, the stormwater management system for the project, and the proposal for a 2000 cubic metre tank.

LEED consultant Derek Satnik provides ongoing commentary on how each decision under consideration would impact the LEED Silver or LEED Gold certification that Suppa hopes the project will achieve. Even Satnik sticks mostly to economics. He does not feel compelled to hop up onto a soapbox and explore climate change or greenhouse gas in any depth.

Suppa is visibly energized. He’s a man in his prime, finally fulfilling a long-term vision. We’re no longer talking about a few townhouses modelling green tech. It’s now 915 units that must make sense economically. And now it can. As sustainability moves into mainstream development projects, charrettes are changing; and the engineering conversation is changing too. GB


Victoria Common Targets LEED® Gold certification

Designed to achieve LEED® Gold certification, Victoria Common is implementing one of Canada’s most advanced green energy systems for new home communities. With three primary components, the system will decrease the amount of fossil fuels required to heat and cool all buildings within the community’s master plan, as well as generating its own supplemental electricity. This will reduce the carbon footprint in comparison to buildings using conventional energy systems.

“Geothermal heat pumps are the most energy efficient, cost effective

and environment-friendly home heating and cooling systems available”

-David Suzuki

• Targeting LEED® Gold certification, Victoria Common’s state-of-the-art Green Energy System, provides sustainable, economical heating, cooling and electricity.

• It features a unique co-generation system with its own generators that come on when the system senses that hydro power from the city’s electrical grid is more expensive than generating the community’s own power.

• This means residents can use power at any time of day or night and not worry about being charged premium rates. It also provides emergency power during city brownouts or blackouts.

• Victoria Common’s geo-exchange system together with it’s co-generation production provides 100% of the community’s heating and cooling with very little use of natural gas, so it is virtually emission-free.

• When there is unused energy, it is stored in various locations, ready to be used when needed – nothing is wasted.

• Solar panels will also be placed on the roof of each building at Victoria Common, saving residents money by reducing the community dependence on the city’s electrical grid.

• From its energy-efficient low-E argon-filled windows to its environmentally friendly landscaping, Victoria Common’s green design thinking means significant savings and greater resale value for those who purchase a home here.

• Roof areas will be coated with highly reflective membranes in order to reduce heat gain in summer months.

• Ontario’s largest green district energy community which adds up to energy price stability over time..

• Advanced recycling system for separate recyclable materials.

• Collection of storm water for irrigation.


They may be a little older on average, but the Sisters of St. Joseph in Peterborough are not old-fashioned when it comes to the sustainability of their new Motherhouse. It is the first LEED Gold building in the Peterborough area, and it won a 2012 Ontario Association of Architects Award of Excellence.

After a long history of expansion since 1890, and then a certain amount of decline by 2000, the Sisters began to talk about upgrading their old 1930s Peterborough facility and their continuing mission. A primary focus has always been ministering to the needy. For the new convent they also made ‘a harmonious relationship with the earth’ a key goal. They sold about 44 of the property’s 50 acres and by 2009 had created a new 56,500-square-foot building with a fly-ash concrete structure and recycled steel skeleton.

Teeple Architects and Enermodal Engineering designed a highly sustainable space that includes an 80-seat chapel, main gathering area, (featuring stained glass from the old building), dining room, kitchen, library, beauty parlour, lounges, exercise room, administration offices, sister’s residences and an infirmary. The two-storey complex is built into the side of a slope as a literal expression of harmony with the earth. It is anchored on locally quarried ledge rock limestone. The upper portion is clad in white fiber-reinforced cement paneling. Its freeform rhythm and generous windows bring an airy, bright, light, heavenly glow to the proceedings.


To mitigate solar gain the building is oriented for a north-south axis with overhangs shading the south side of the building. The roof is mostly white reflective thermoplastic, except for a small green roof near the south side. Double-pane argon-filled low-e windows also contribute to reduced heat island effect, while optimizing natural light. The thermally efficient fiberglass windows and semi-rigid insulation of basalt rock and recycled steel slag provide a contemporary, efficient envelope.

Two high-efficiency modulating, condensing boilers, a variable speed cooling tower, and distributed water source heat pumps are used for heating and cooling; with energy recovery ventilators as needed. Building managers have been trained to optimize use of the sophisticated controls system. The Sisters can also use operable windows for added ventilation. Savings are more than 4,000,000 mega joules per year and 282 tons of CO2.

Efficient 4 litre toilets, 1.9 litre/min faucets and 6 litre/min shower-heads help control water usage. Landscaping is mostly native or adaptive, drought-resistant plants. The green roof and other areas are supplied by rainwater collected from the white roof and stored in a cistern. Projected water savings are about 627,000 litres or 40% per year.


Most spaces within the building are adequately naturally lit for daytime. Interior light systems employ occupancy sensors, cutting density to about 33% below ASHRAE standards. A local manufacturer modified lamp chandeliers to fit compact fluorescents. Exterior fixtures emit light below 90 degrees from the horizon, minimizing impact on the night sky.

The new facility features full recycling separation, low emission adhesives, sealants, paints, and coatings to improve air quality; and during construction $700,000 was saved by recycling 28 different materials. In addition 79% of construction waste was diverted from landfill and a large quantity of materials were locally sourced.

The hope is that the building will outlive its hosts and become a seniors home in the future. The adaptation should be easy. The infirmary provides 24-hour nursing care for 12, while the rest of the building offers full accessibility, railings, call buttons, resilient flooring, and contrasting color between walls and floors.

The Sisters have created a highly detailed how-to powerpoint and joined the Greening Sacred Spaces network to share their experiences. “We need to heal the planet from our excessiveness,” they say. “And to learn new sustainable practices that are harmonious with the wondrously evolving web of life.”


Number one with a Bullitt Seattle office building touted as greenest commercial structure in the world

By Greg McMillan

It was a daunting task – setting new global standards for environmentally-friendly design and construction – but the powers that be at the helm of Seattle, Washington’s $30-million Bullitt Center have never looked back.

They were aiming to create the greenest, most energy-efficient commercial building in the world – a self-sufficient structure, if you will, that would firmly cement the city’s reputation as being at the forefront of the sustainable building movement.

The aspirations for the six-story, 50,000 square-foot building, due for completion in the fall of 2012, were ambitious to say the least.
The project was meant to change the way buildings are designed, built and operated to improve long-term environmental performance and promote broader implementation of energy efficiency, renewable energy and other green building technologies.

High standards indeed, however they were all part of a quest to meet the lofty demands of the Living Building Challenge (LBC), the world’s most strenuous benchmark for sustainability.

“We went into this project fully aware that it could redefine the way we work,” says Brian Court, the project architect and design lead for the Bullitt Center.
“This has to do with the notion of performance-driven design process. I have to say that it truly has changed the way we work. We developed a toolkit on this project that has already affected numerous other projects in design.”

Conceived to function entirely off the grid, a solar array will generate as much electricity as the building uses and rain will supply as much water as needed, with all wastewater treated onsite, including composting toilets.

Aiming for the sky was a necessity if they were to meet the stringent LBC requirements. Not only does LBC insist on net-zero energy and water systems, but projects must also use half the energy required to get LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) platinum certification.

“There is a lot of interest in the project,” says Mr. Court, an associate with the Miller Hull Partnership. “We have gotten information requests from numerous locations world-wide, and we even had the President of Bulgaria come to Seattle for a presentation and tour.
“We have also received a fair amount of criticism as well but are comforted that so many people are paying attention – of not only sustainability, but energy, toxicity of materials and environmental footprint.”

The project originated with the Bullitt Foundation, whose mission statement reads: “To safeguard the natural environment by promoting human activities and sustainable communities in the Pacific Northwest.” It’s vision? “A future that safeguards the vitality of natural ecosystems while accommodating a sustainable human propulation in healthy, vibrant, equitable and prosperous communities.”

Miller Hull Partnership, and their collaborators, were challenged to develop a core of concrete, steel and and timbers with a life expectancy of 250 years. This is a far cry from the standard 40-year life span applied in commercial buildings’ value appraisals. Those tweaks didn’t come without added budget costs, which led to financing realities for the estimated $30-million project being subjected to some criticism and controversy.

But that did not deter the Bullitt Foundation.

And during the course of construction, Mr. Court said the team has shifted gears, adapting to a number of design discoveries made.
“Our ability to quickly analyze natural daylight levels at all stages of the design process has taken a quantum leap forward,” he says.
“Energy and water efficiency gets a lot of attention on this project, but we have been equally excited to learn more about heavy timber as a structural system; discoveries we made while conducting life-cycle analysis on various structural systems.
“Timber has so many great qualities from an aesthetic point of view that its environmental virtues are often overlooked.”

At the end of the day, they believe the end product will remain true to one of its core intentions – to create an office place where every worker has access to fresh air and daylight; to create a healthy human environment that is more pleasant and productive than most commercial buildings.
As it turns out, however, it seems Bullitt Center has actually outdone those basic objectives – and by a longshot, at that. GB


Canary District Developers Pull Out all the Stops to Create unique sustainable Neighbourhood

To say no stone has been left unturned in building Toronto’s next great neighbourhood would be a grand understatement.

So remember this name – Canary District. Chances are people will be talking about this unique revitalization of the city’s West Don Lands today, tomorrow and for many years down the road.

There are, of course, many reasons for that, but the green factor cannot be ignored. When finished, the area mostly known for its industrial rail land will be transformed into a vibrant mixed-used sustainable community with a distinct urban architectural design.

It’s a mammoth challenge. However, real estate developer Dundee Kilmer Development Limited confidently feels it is up to the task.
Jason Lester, president of Dundee Kilmer, in an article published in the Globe and Mail newspaper, was quoted as saying “we’re going to create the most sustainable mixed-use development that the city has ever seen.”

Mostly, feeding off the fact that the overall design meets LEED Gold criteria, the area aims to be self-sufficient and an urban village where residents can live, work and play.
First things first, however. Commissioned by the Ontario government, Dundee Kilmer has been entrusted with the construction of housing at the 35-acre site for 10,000 athletes and coaches for the upcoming Pan American Games in 2015. And, unlike similar sports-related projects, which often experience fluctuating design and construction costs, this development is set up to avoid overruns.
When the 2015 event ends, the same buildings will be altered and sold as approximately 5,000 townhouse and condo units. Included in that will be daycares, schools and community centres.  And Dundee Kilmer is committed to inserting mid-rise, mixed-use development, a progressive public-private funding template and generous recreational spaces into the mix.

Additionally, the master site plan for Canary District shows that construction will be phased in, starting with Canary District condominiums, then moving on to a George Brown College residence, a YMCA, market condominiums and “affordable” rental housing.
The YMCA facility, by the way, to be built at the corner of Front and Cherry streets, will be the largest in Toronto. It will also serve as a training centre for athletes during the games. A full 20 per cent of the housing in the Canary District has been targeted as “affordable” and the George Brown Residence will have accommodation for 500 students.
The Canary District – which gets its name from the now-closed Canary Restaurant that operated from a 19th century Cherry Street building since the 1960s – will be known for its walkability, with an extensive pedestrian network designed by architects to maximize green spaces with laneways, courtyards and terraces. The goal – to zero in on a health and wellness motif.
But the area will not be confined in any way, shape or form. Far from it. The community will be set up with links to mesh seamlessly with the nearby Distillery District, Corktown and St. Lawrence Market. And the connections will continue with new pathways and the extension of Front Street into a pedestrian promenade augmented by improved public access to Lake Ontario and the Don River Park.
A further creative twist was added by the use of four different architecture firms – Daoust Lestage Inc., Alliance and KPMB Architects, and MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller.
This cooperative approach, involving multiple designers, put forth a fresh hybrid of architectural design ideas. They remained true to contemporary architectural mores, but were also able to bring their own special aesthetics to the table.

And the four firms wholeheartedly embraced the challenge of the core principles placed before them.  Those included:
A healthy, green community: As touched on above, key considerations were given to environmental, economic and social sustainabilty. Each design element contains those characteristics.
Increased walkability: The secondary system of pedestrian routes also follow the paths of two former CNR rail lines, with connected courtyards, laneways and paths combined to form a continuous network.
Interconnectivity: This is cutting edge – creating a connection between old and new neighbourhoods in the area, augmented by a a modern design principle. Building scales and heights have been designed with a simultaneous architectural diversity and consistency in mind. All buildings in the eight-block-long district have been designed using similar materials in different ways, while façades will be recessed and roof heights will differ, creating a one-of-a-kind architectural flow.
Urban life: Future residents will be pleased to note that care has been taken to provide an extensive network of parks and balance of private and public spaces, as well as easy access to public transportation.
Gateway features: Called gateposts, the historic CNR and Canary Restaurant/Palace Street School buildings are being restored and integrated. There will be framing views to Don River Park and Toronto’s downtown skyline. Again, these elements will help to ensure openness and flow between established local neighbourhoods and the Canary District.

The Front Street connection: Painstakingly, each block in the village was designed to connect to a Front Street extension, which will serve as the main street. Then, at the base of each building, there will be cafes and restaurants, including retails stores. To further perpetuate the sense of neighbourhood, there will accessible recreational and community services.
A tip of the hat to Jane Jacobs: The late Toronto urban planning visionary was known world-wide for her ‘eyes on the street’ mentality, which was centred on creating a safe and connected urban environment. Some of the features adapted in recognition of Jacobs include large-scale building windows and balconies, with open and transparent streetscapes. This concept provides a connection between the street bustle and residents living above. Furthermore, laneways and side streets will feature loft studios and town houses at the base to attract creative entrepreneurs and families. Interestingly, the ground floors of all Canary District buildings are pedestrian-friendly, uniformly designed to six metres in height.
In the project’s promotional video, they talk about people, not infrastructure. They talk about community. They talk about creating a lasting vitality and ways to minimize urban stress.

All in all, not bad for a former industrial backwater.
Not bad at all.