

Doing it right

No stone unturned with an EcoVicar ENERGY STAR® home Taking a page from its corporate mantra, the company’s EcoVicar ENERGY STAR® homes are constructed with the same attention to detail. “The key....

True to form

Soon-to-be-completed Shanghai Tower maintains lofty sustainable goals Much has been made about the sheer magnitude of the Shanghai Tower, touted as the tallest building in China, and second-tallest skyscraper in the....

Most Sustainable Office Tower Officially Opens

24-storey TELUS Garden office tower first in Canada built to new LEED Platinum standards TELUS Garden's office tower in the heart of Downtown Vancouver is now officially open. Rich with innovative....

Not forgotten

SPARK-designed Beijing complex pays homage to historical textile market To the naked eye, the unique look of the Jing Mian Xin Cheng complex in Beijing, China, might not remind anyone of....

The Ecocapsule

  It’s the first truly independent micro-home The story of the Ecocapsule began in 2008 when architectural studio NICE Architects participated in the Andes Sprout Society idea competition to design small housing....

Raising the bar

Rivermill Homes continues to build to a higher standard   Some would say there’s simply no substitute for hands-on experience. As far as the principals at Rivermill Homes are concerned, those are words....

Life lessons

By GREG McMILLAN It’s often said that experience is the best teacher. In the case of Matt Gilgan, the eldest son of billionaire homebuilder Peter Gilgan, of Mattamy Homes, truer words have....

Much more than green

Our Cool Blue Architects think outside the box of sustainable design by Greg McMillan No workday is ever the same for Tom and Laura Kolbasenko. The co-founders of Our Cool Blue Architects....

A no-brainer – virtually

Switching from a costly traditional trade show to a more affordable cyberspace model It’s a Catch-22 situation for every business owner – to shell out the expensive investment needed for participation....

How to plan a successful virtual trade show – a guide for exhibitors

Yes, there are substantial savings when switching from traditional physical trade shows to virtual online alternatives – thousands of dollars to be exact. But that doesn’t mean opting for a virtual....



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