Women in Green – Reliance Home Comfort

Women in Green – Reliance Home Comfort

The Reliance Home Comfort

Go-To Team Helps Build Green

Reliance Green Building Ambassadors spend many hours working directly with builders on projects, and also on enhancing their own expertise to ensure that they continue to provide builders with the very best information. From attending training with new homebuyer customers to providing information on water heating and bundle HVAC products, ENERGY STAR and the latest building codes; builders trust them as valued partners in planning for maximum energy efficiency and home comfort. They make sure equipment meets builder requirements, and troubleshoot with them during the project development, as well as beyond the life of the project.

In addition to their strong builder relationships, experience, and the training they have taken themselves on ENERGY STAR and the Ontario Building Code, Reliance Green Building Ambassadors can call on specialized support from a team of in-house sustainability experts. They also often have strong connections with local homebuilder associations. They support builders every step of the way through the Reliance Builder Program and bundle HVAC product and service offerings.

Reliance Builder Program The Reliance Builder Program saves builders thousands of dollars in capital costs with the installation of bundle HVAC rental equipmentwhich provides builders with aa suite of innovative and space-saving green products to choose from. In addition, after the equipment is properly installed, builders know they can rely on the Reliance service team to assume post-close warranty obligations, providing peace-of-mind maintenance and guaranteed services to homeowners 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.

Bundle HVAC  Builders could save thousands of dollars per residential unit and increase home marketability with ENERGY STARrated products. They can select between several models of the best brands of furnaces, air conditioners, condensing tankless water heaters, condensing storage tanks, heat recovery ventilators, air handlers and more.

Carla Agostino

Carla Agostino from Hamilton, Ontario worked on the first air handler projects back in 1991. These energy-wise alternative heating systems were extremely innovative and experimental at the time. It’s a testament to the competence and professionalism of people like Agostino that they are now commonplace. She manages keys accounts in Chatham, Hamilton, Halton, Niagara, Thunder Bay, Sault Ste. Marie and Windsor. She is respected in the industry and an active member of the Hamilton Homebuilders Association.

Agostino is approaching 24 years of service with the company and says she turns on her phone early, “and away I go.” She starts each day at 7:00 AM, working with builders, architects and engineers to meet the needs of the growing build-green market. “ I could work easily 60 hours each week if I let myself. I don’t look at the hours, I look at getting the work done.”

When not working she is equally busy. Agostino has her career, two children, a home to take care of and a good sense of humour. She likes to go running. “Running helps reduce the daily stress.” With everything she has going on, she says, “I run a lot!”

Jennifer Hurd

Jennifer Hurd, from Oshawa, Ontario has been a Key Account Manager for Reliance Home Comfort for more than 5 years, managing Greater Toronto, Durham, Kawartha and Peterborough. She has won many awards for her service excellence and expertise, including the 2012 Outstanding Trade Person from the Durham Home Builders Association and three Reliance President’s Awards in the past four years. Hurd explains that builders have a lot on their minds and Green Building Ambassadors try to help by making sure everything goes smoothly with the building code, product specifications, ordering and delivery. “When the builder and the site supervisor realize that we know the business and are easy to work with, it leads to referrals to other builders.”

“I think Green living is important now more than ever,” says Hurd. Her thermostat is programmed to drop the temperature when no one is at home and at night. She has a tankless unit and ENERGY STAR windows and sees it as a responsibility to discuss sustainability with friends and industry colleagues. She is a strong supporter of a local homebuilder’s association, and helps plan Energy Star breakfast meetings. Hurd is also involved with organizing customer appreciation events that also raise funds for

Habitat for Humanity.

When not working she spends time with her son Aidan, who shares her passion for green living and takes charge of recycling. Hurd is a Leader with Aidan’s Cub troupe, a foodie, an outdoors person and an Oshawa Generals fan. She just renovated a bathroom and is now turning her attention to an ensuite, using low VOC paints, of course.

Reliance Green Building Ambassadors are well known and respected by Ontario home builders. As one of the largest rental water heating & HVAC companies in Canada, Reliance Home Comfort proudly depends on these very capable Green Building Ambassadors, as well as their head office green support specialists, to help builders save thousands of dollars in capital costs and receive the timely information they need to build comfortable, sustainable homes.


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