The first edition of the virtual Green Building Expo has been a success.

The first edition of the virtual Green Building Expo has been a success.

Canada’s premier virtual trade show for green building

Virtual Trade Shows are quickly gaining popularity among exhibitors and event marketing professionals due to their relatively low cost and high rate of return. The ability to generate leads directly from your office without having to incur the cost of travel and lodging is appealing for many companies, which allows for a wider range of diversity among exhibitors and attendees.


For exhibitors, Green Building Expo, the initial Canadian virtual trade fair for green buildings, has been an opportunity to highlight their leadership and commitment to sustainable building. It has also been a chance to showcase their green offerings to a laser-focused group in the green building industry.

Having received over 1,500 visits to date, including visitors from Canada and other countries such as United States, Germany, Italy, Romania, India, Lithuania and Great Britain (and coupled with the upward trend in event registrations), it seems highly likely that this will be Canada’s biggest virtual trade show yet by event participation and lead generation.

For sponsors and exhibitors, the platform provides built-in tracking, lead management and attendee profiling to help exhibitors identify high-potential leads based on the level of their engagement with company representatives and booth content. The ample branding space in the virtual landscape is fully utilized by incorporating clickable corporate logos that are tactfully placed in all high visibility spots at the expo.

November 1, 2017 was the “live” day when visitors and exhibitors interacted through audio, video and text messages. Product manuals, demos, brochures, posters, videos and other valuable informational material were conveniently downloaded by visitors.

In the virtual auditorium, Svend De bruyn and Erik Janssen from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) presented Attending Net Zero webinar – An Introduction to Heat Pumps and Photovoltaics, with numerous visitors in attendance.

For those who couldn’t make it to the November 1 “live” show – or want to see it again – the individual booths and webinars will remain active for six months and available online 24/7. The fair’s exhibition booths function as a website and the exhibitors can still have the visibility and availability of their information.

For attendees, our Green Building Expo is free.

The following are some testimonials from both exhibitors and visitors:

“The organization and the setup of this virtual expo were amazing and I think that this first edition was a success. The platform was great at simulating a real expo hall. A good variety of people visited my booth so that I was able to network with many interesting companies.

I loved the sustainable nature of this event: no brochures to print, no booth

to build, no travel. Overall an amazing and completely new experience! Congratulations to organizers and we wish you more success at the second edition!”

Nicholas Varias
Dipl. Arch.,CBCO


Flexsola International Development Corporation

“Kudos for marketing! The expo proved to be a great venue for my new wall product. For the first time I could showcase what I have been working on for the past 26 years. How great is it that your green building expo site will continue to showcase my Structural Cellular Forms SCFs for the next six months. Site visitors have commented on the good quality of the presentation.”

Daniel Charlton
Charlton Building Concepts Inc.

“For me it was exciting to meet and exchange contact information with so many people from the green building network. High quality exhibitors were easily reached directly from my PC.

Walking around the expo was easy and fun.

The webinars were extremely informative and easy to attend, just in one click, without stressing over travelling problems. A smart way of doing business!

A great experience for all involved and I’m looking forward to the next such event. Thumbs up!”
Virgiliu Petre
Eco Revival Consulting

The 2nd edition of Green Building Expo will take place “live” on November 1, 2018 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern Time and will continue for three months after that.

To learn how to become a sponsor or exhibitor, contact Giulio Marinescu, Executive Managing Director at 416.250.0664 or

Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram for updates.



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