Morphosis Architecture

Morphosis Architecture

8850 Sunset Boulevard

A pedestrian-oriented, dynamic, and sustainable take on the Sunset Strip

8850 Sunset establishes a new mixed-use development in the heart of West Hollywood, combining market-rate residences, affordable housing, retail, dining, a music venue, and luxury hotel. The building’s 15-story bridged form responds to the eclecticism of Sunset Boulevard, while prioritizing light, views, and open space connections. At the street level, a two-story podium with cafes, public spaces, and retail echoes the scale and granularity of traditional storefronts along Sunset Boulevard, while a new music venue re-envisions the storied Viper Room, adding a recording studio and updating the live music experience for the 21st century. The condo and hotel volumes are separated by a 100 ft-wide gap, avoiding a conventional large, flat building façade on Sunset to instead capture north/south views and sunlight through the property.

Between the two volumes, a rooftop garden and terrace brings a new outdoor dining and social space to the neighbourhood. At the peak of the building, a skybridge connects the two volumes and incorporates an upscale restaurant and bar with views to downtown and the ocean.

Guided by the WeHo Green Building Program Standards, the project is designed to a LEED Gold standard. Various passive and contextual strategies are used to improve the performance and energy efficiency of the design including using a landscaped surface for the residence volume, with drought-tolerant plantings that create a cooling microclimate while beautifying the neighborhood.


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